
"defensor público" in English

"defensor público" in English

Context examples for "defensor público" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
No hubo posibilidad de elegir libremente una representación letrada, y el abogado defensor público fue nombrado por el tribunal.
There was no free choice of legal representation, and public defence counsel were appointed by the court.
Este informe nos lleva de forma positiva un paso hacia delante y muestra al Parlamento Europeo en su mejor versión como el defensor del interés público.
This report takes us a positive step forward and shows Parliament at its best as a defender of the public interest.
Los socialdemócratas seguimos pensando que el Estado tiene que desempeñar un papel en la economía como mediador, como regulador y como defensor del interés público.
We Social Democrats still believe that the state has a role to play in the economy as a facilitator, as a regulator and as a defender of the public interest.
El segundo aspecto se refiere al relieve público del Defensor del Pueblo, Sr.
The second aspect concerns the public visibility of the Ombudsman, Mr Söderman, and his linkage with national Ombudsmen and national parliaments.
Es realmente lamentable que se necesite un informe especial del Defensor para hacer público algo tan simple como el acceso a unos documentos a los que los ciudadanos de la UE tienen derecho.
It is nothing short of regrettable when a special report by the Ombudsman is required in order to make public something as simple as access to documents to which EU citizens have a right.