
"CT scan" in Spanish

"CT scan" in Spanish
CT scan{noun}
tomografía{f} [med.]
The other trial evaluated the effect of rFVIIa in 97 TBI patients with evidence of intracerebral bleeding in a computed tomography (CT) scan.
El otro ensayo evaluó el efecto del rFVIIa en 97 pacientes con TCE con evidencia de hemorragia intracerebral en una tomografía computarizada (TC).
The clinical staging was either a contrast-enhanced CT scan or MRI scan of the abdomen and pelvis to determine nodal status.
El estadiaje clínico era ya sea una tomografía computarizada con contraste o una resonancia magnética del abdomen y la pelvis para determinar el estado ganglionar.

Context examples for "CT scan" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
ScienceShot: Yellowstone Gets a CT(computerised tomography) Scan - Yellowstone National Park - USA Yellowstone National Park is indeed an electrifying place.
ScienceShot: Yellowstone consigue un escner CT (tomografa computarizada) Parque Nacional Yellowstone EEUU El parque nacional Yellowstone es de hecho un lugar electrizante.