
"conflicto laboral" in English

"conflicto laboral" in English
Existe aquí un conflicto laboral y por tanto hay que seguir negociando y discutiendo.
This is a labour dispute, so there need to be more negotiations and further discussion.
Existe un conflicto laboral real.
Rather, this is a genuine labour dispute.
Me temo que no sea la primera vez, ni tampoco la última, que se bloquean carreteras para presionar sobre las negociaciones en un conflicto laboral.
It is not the first time, nor I fear is it the last time, that roads are blocked in order to exert pressure on negotiators in a labour dispute.
dispute{noun} (leading to industrial action)
Existe aquí un conflicto laboral y por tanto hay que seguir negociando y discutiendo.
This is a labour dispute, so there need to be more negotiations and further discussion.
Existe un conflicto laboral real.
Rather, this is a genuine labour dispute.
le pidieron que arbitrara en el conflicto laboral
he was asked to adjudicate on the labor dispute
Durante el transcurso del conflicto laboral, los empleados se han visto intimidados y presionados al máximo por la dirección.
During the course of the industrial dispute, employees have been extremely intimidated and pressurised by management.

Similar translations for "conflicto laboral" in English
Context examples for "conflicto laboral" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Existe aquí un conflicto laboral y por tanto hay que seguir negociando y discutiendo.
I cannot believe for one single moment that the Commission might be compared to what are known pejoratively in France as the bosses.
le pidieron que arbitrara en el conflicto laboral
he was asked to adjudicate on the labor dispute
Sin embargo, en el artículo 9 se contempla una excepción y se exige la aplicación automática de la normativa del país en que tiene lugar el conflicto laboral.
Article 9, however, contains an exception, and requires the automatic application of the laws of the country in which the industrial action takes place.
El primer pacto acordado en 1937 entre los sindicatos y la patronal de la industria maquinaria establece oficias arbitrales a las cuales se puede acudir en caso de conflicto laboral.
The turning point came in 1937 with the signing of the “labour accord” by the trade unions and employers in the metal working industry.