
"con titubeos" in English

"con titubeos" in English

Similar translations for "con titubeos" in English
Context examples for "con titubeos" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Lamentablemente, la Comisión ha iniciado este programa con algunos titubeos.
Unfortunately, the Commission adopted a somewhat hesitant approach to this programme.
En primer lugar, las normas jurídicas comunitarias sobre el derecho de residencia se aplican con titubeos.
Firstly, Member States are wavering when it comes to implementing Community law provisions on residence rights.
acabó desesperándose con sus continuos titubeos
she became irritated by his constant agonizing
Lo que me temo es que Europa, sin este mandato de la ONU, ayude con titubeos e incluso de mala gana a la reconstrucción del Iraq.
My fear is that Europe, without that UN mandate, will nonetheless, half-heartedly and probably even grudgingly, assist with the reconstruction of Iraq.
Esta Asamblea ha sido muy justamente crítica con la Comisión respecto al Acuerdo con Marruecos, que se afrontó desde el comienzo con muchos titubeos y con mucha ingenuidad.
This House has been quite rightly criticised along with the Commission regarding the agreement with Morocco, which from the outset has been addressed with tremendous hesitation and naivety.