
"con envidia" in English

"con envidia" in English
con envidia{adverb}
Nuestra única opción era mirar con envidia hacia el pasado en que los conflictos se resolvían mediante la cooperación económica.
Our only option was to look on enviously as past conflicts were overcome by means of economic cooperation.
En cuanto a Groenlandia, estoy seguro de que muchos escoceses de las comunidades pesqueras estos días mirarán con envidia a Groenlandia porque está fuera de la Política Pesquera Común.
On the subject of Greenland, I am sure that many Scots in fishing communities these days would look enviously towards Greenland because it is outwith the CFP.
jealously{adv.} (enviously)

Similar translations for "con envidia" in English
Context examples for "con envidia" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Creo que, si hablamos alguna vez con sinceridad, nadie le envidia al ponente el trabajo que ha tenido que desarrollar en esta materia.
I believe that, if we were honest, no one would envy the rapporteur the work he has had to put in on this issue.
A veces se mira con envidia a la OTAN o a la capacidad militar de los Estados Unidos, dando la impresión de que la Unión Europea debería tener la ambición de ocupar dicha posición.
There is sometimes still envy with regard to NATO or the military scope of the United States, as if the European Union would need to emulate this position.