
"con avaricia" in English

"con avaricia" in English
con avaricia{adverb}
greedily{adv.} (avariciously)

Similar translations for "con avaricia" in English
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los que amasan [riquezas] y luego las retienen [con avaricia].
And amasses wealth then locks it up.
Pero tan pronto como Él les da [algo] de Su favor, se aferran a ello con avaricia y se apartan obstinadamente [de lo que habían prometido]:
But when He gave them of His grace they hoarded it, and turned away, averse.
La crisis financiera actual ha revelado una vez más los resultados de combinar la avaricia con la falta de regulación.
The current financial crisis has exposed one more time the results from mixing greed and lack of regulation.
[pues] si os los exigiera todos, y os apremiara, os aferraríais [a ellos] con avaricia, y entonces [sólo] sacaría a la luz vuestras flaquezas morales.
If He should ask you for it and urge you, you will be niggardly, and He will bring forth your ill feelings.
Y no deben pensar --quienes retienen con avaricia lo que Dios les ha concedido de su generosidad-- que eso es bueno para ellos: al contrario, es malo para ellos.
And let not those who hoard what Allah has given them of His Bounty think that it is best for them; nay, it is worse for them.