
"cloths" in Spanish

He explained to the Portuguese that they should produce wine instead of cloth because the English were better at producing cloth.
Explicó a los portugueses que no debían hacer paño, sino vino, porque los ingleses hacían mejor el paño.
If necessary, remove the batteries, wipe them with a clean cloth, and reinsert them.
Si es necesario, quite las pilas, límpielas con un paño limpio y vuélvalas a introducir.
Clean the disc with a soft cloth, insert it in the CD or DVD drive, and then begin the Windows installation again.
Limpie el disco con un paño suave, insértelo en la unidad de CD o DVD y vuelva a comenzar la instalación de Windows.
the waiter was wiping the counter with a cloth
el camarero limpiaba el mostrador con un trapo
to dab the stain with a damp cloth
frote suavemente la mancha con un trapo húmedo
he gave his tie a dab with a damp cloth
se frotó un poco la corbata con un trapo húmedo
he drew their attention to the quality of the cloth
les hizo reparar en la calidad del tejido
• Meshes and fabrics used in different transporting cloths.
• Mallas y tejidos utilizados en telas transportadoras varias.
homespun cloth
tejido artesanal
bayeta{f} (para limpiar)
falda{f} (de una mesa camilla)
cloth(also: rag)
guaipe{m} [Chile] [coll.]
cloth(also: rag)
huaipe{m} [Chile] [coll.]
cloth(also: fabric)
tela{f} [tex.]
Within the cloth, they perform various acrobatic figures that demand great feats of strength and flexibility.
Envueltos en la tela, realizan diversas figuras acrobáticas que exigen grandes proezas de fuerza y flexibilidad.
cloth napkins! how very civilized!
¡servilletas de tela! ¡qué refinamiento!
it was covered with a white cloth
estaba cubierta con una tela blanca

Synonyms (English) for "cloth":
Context examples for "cloths" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Patches of unshrunk cloths serve only to quiet the conscience and would be a waste of new wine.
En este último caso, aun con remiendos nuevos que puedan servir para tranquilizar la conciencia, es echar a perder el vino nuevo.