
"clandestinidad" in English

"clandestinidad" in English
Esto sucede a puerta cerrada -se ha dicho ya-, en la clandestinidad, en la que los representantes de los ejecutivos nacionales mutan hacia un legislativo europeo.
All this takes place behind closed doors, as has already been mentioned, in the secrecy in which the representatives of the national executives turn themselves into a European legislative body.
Para la construcción europea, en la que estamos volcados, Señorías, lo peor es el silencio, lo peor es la clandestinidad, y yo que negocio con otros esta reforma, temía este silencio.
The worst things for the construction of Europe we are so committed to, ladies and gentlemen, are silence and secrecy, and in negotiating this reform with others, I have feared that silence.

Context examples for "clandestinidad" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Cuando se produjo la invasión de su país por Indonesia, pasó a la clandestinidad.
During the invasion of your country by Indonesia, you went into hiding.
Pero entre tanto, evidentemente habrán desaparecido en la clandestinidad.
In the meantime, however, they will, of course, have disappeared and gone underground.
El cabecilla independentista Aslan Maskhadov lucha en la clandestinidad.
Their leader for independence, Aslan Maskhadov, is pursuing the struggle under cover.
¿Qué otra situación es humanamente más difícil que la clandestinidad?
Is there anything more difficult in human terms than illegal immigration?
de la clandestinidad en la que la persecución las había confinado
public Church life, emerging from the clandestine situation to which, sad to
La Iglesia Católica Romana ha sido reducida en su mayor parte a la clandestinidad.
The Roman Catholic Church has largely been driven underground.
A pesar de todo, son candidatos a la clandestinidad, y lo saben.
However, they are likely to end up as illegal immigrants, and they know it.
La resistencia de las mujeres al régimen todavía tiene que trabajar en la clandestinidad.
Women's resistance to the regime still has to work underground.
Recordemos que algunos legales se han visto llevados a la clandestinidad por unas leyes restrictivas.
We should point out that some legal immigrants have been made illegal by restrictive legislation.
Es porque en Francia la hoz se rebeló contra el Mac Do por lo que el Milenio salió de la clandestinidad.
This is because in France the sickle has revolted against MacDonalds and the Millennium has come out of hiding.
De todas formas, significa que millones de extranjeros viven permanentemente en la clandestinidad, en nuestros territorios.
At any rate, it means that millions of foreigners live on our soil permanently and illegally.
Gracias a sus acciones, la organización mundial del comercio (OMC) sale de la clandestinidad y con luz y taquígrafos.
Thanks to their activism, the World Trade Organization (WTO) comes out of clandestineness into the open.
¿Por qué se le ha obligado a pasar a la clandestinidad?
Why has he been forced to go underground?
el partido sufrió una etapa de forzosa clandestinidad
the party was forced underground for a time
Esa clandestinidad engendra marginalidad.
Illegality gives rise to marginalization.
se vieron obligados a pasar a la clandestinidad
they were forced underground
Estoy impresionado al hablar delante de hombres que vuelven de la gran prueba, o sea, de la cárcel y de la clandestinidad.
I was impressed to speak in front of persons having been in a great turmoil, like being in prison and having had a life under cover.
Si adoptamos medidas de este tipo, entonces me pregunto sinceramente si podemos estar empujando estos flujos monetarios a la clandestinidad.
If we adopt measures of this kind, then I wonder in all honesty whether we may well force those money flows underground.
Estos migrantes que han abandonado sus países y su entorno,¿acaso encuentran en la clandestinidad el Paraíso que buscan?
Are these people, who have left their countries, their backgrounds, their environments, finding their hoped-for Eldorado as illegal immigrants?
Estos migrantes que han abandonado sus países y su entorno, ¿acaso encuentran en la clandestinidad el Paraíso que buscan?
Are these people, who have left their countries, their backgrounds, their environments, finding their hoped-for Eldorado as illegal immigrants?