
"cautelosamente" in English

"cautelosamente" in English
cautelosa{adjective feminine}
El clima que se respiraba cuando comenzó la reunión era cautelosamente optimista.
The atmosphere when the meeting started was cautiously optimistic.
Este resultado debe interpretarse cautelosamente debido a los defectos metodológicos de los ensayos incluidos.
This finding should be interpreted cautiously because of methodological weaknesses in the included trials.
Para la primera ronda de diálogo con Irán, la evaluación inicial es cautelosamente positiva.
For the first round of dialogue with Iran, the initial assessment is cautiously positive.
cagily{adv.} (reply)
guardedly{adv.} (comment, reply)
cautelosa{adjective feminine}
La comisión está siendo muy cautelosa, y no sin razón.
The Committee is being very wary, and not without reason.

Context examples for "cautelosamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
han empezado muy cautelosamente a diversificar sus operaciones
they have begun, very tentatively, to diversify their operations
se acercó cautelosamente a la puerta
she moved cautiously toward the door
abrió cautelosamente la puerta
he cautiously opened the door
Puede aportar beneficios y debería ser considerado cautelosamente con las evaluaciones de riesgos y con una gestión de riesgos adecuadas, pero sin alarmismos.
It can bring benefits and it should be considered carefully with proper risk assessment and risk management, but without scaremongering.
El informe Poos sobre la reforma del Consejo es polémico y contradictorio y, aunque cautelosamente, abre más puestas al federalismo europeo.
The Poos report on the reform of the Council is controversial and contradictory and, albeit rather timidly, further clears the way for European federalism.
Esto es lo que me hace ser cautelosamente optimista respecto a que, con el tiempo, podremos encontrar una salida con respecto a la pregunta que me ha formulado.
That is what gives me cautious optimism that we will, in time, be able to find a way forward in relation to the question that he put to me.
El informe Poos sobre la reforma del Consejo es polémico y contradictorio y, aunque cautelosamente, abre más puestas al federalismo europeo.
. (PT) The Poos report on the reform of the Council is controversial and contradictory and, albeit rather timidly, further clears the way for European federalism.