"carting" in Spanish
"carting" in Spanish
to cart(also: to carry, to cause, to haul, to transport)
I had to cart the books around all day
tuve que cargar con los libros todo el día
In this case, the cart is firmly behind the horse, and she is leading us – as well as all the Members of the Committee and Parliament – in the charge.
En este caso, el carro va firmemente detrás del caballo y lleva, junto a los miembros de la Comisión y a los diputados al Parlamento, en la plataforma de carga.
And to saddle Eurostat with it would be putting the cart before the horse.
Y encargar esto ahora a Eurostat es poner el carro delante de los bueyes.
In the Shopping Cart, adjust your order in any of the following ways:
En el Carro de la compra, ajuste el pedido de cualquiera de las siguientes maneras:
The Shopping Cart will then be unlocked and you can complete your purchase.
El Carro de la compra se desbloqueará y podrá completar la compra.
he sat in the front of the cart
iba sentado en el cabezal de la carreta
the cart was pulled by a donkey
un burro jalaba la carreta
the cart was pulled by a donkey
un burro tiraba de la carreta
cart(also: trolley, tea trolley, hand truck, tea wagon)
If your site is an e-commerce site with links to a 3rd-party shopping cart, please refer to the following article:
Si su sitio es de comercio electrónico y tiene vínculos a un carrito de la compra de un tercero, consulte el artículo siguiente:
There are several reasons that your shopping cart may have different data than is reported in your Google Analytics reports.
Existen varios motivos por los que su carrito de la compra puede contener datos distintos de los registrados en sus informes de Google Analytics.
As a result, your daily reports will not be the same in your Google Analytics reports and your shopping cart.
Como resultado, sus informes diarios no coincidirán en los informes de Google Analytics y en su carrito de la compra.
Context examples for "carting" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Carting people off into the desert is inhumane and an admission of defeat in the face of all the things we have not yet dealt with.
Amontonar a las personas en el desierto es inhumano y supone reconocer la derrota ante todas las cosas que todavía no hemos abordado.
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