
"canto del cisne" in English

"canto del cisne" in English
swan song{noun}
Creo que es un poco como el canto del cisne.
It is in a way his swan song, I would say.
Como antiguo ingeniero de minas, la política energética ha sido uno de mis principales intereses, por lo que me complace que mi canto del cisne trate sobre un tema energético.
As a former mining engineer, energy policy has been one of my prime interests, so I am happy to be making my swan-song on an energy subject.
Espero realmente que antes de que yo entone mi canto del cisne ante un Hemiciclo abarrotado, pueda señalar logros aún mayores del excelente personal de Europe Aid.
I very much hope that before I make my swan-song in this packed Hemicycle I will be able to point to even greater achievements by the excellent staff in Europe Aid.

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Context examples for "canto del cisne" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Creo que es un poco como el canto del cisne.
It is in a way his swan song, I would say.
Como antiguo ingeniero de minas, la política energética ha sido uno de mis principales intereses, por lo que me complace que mi canto del cisne trate sobre un tema energético.
As a former mining engineer, energy policy has been one of my prime interests, so I am happy to be making my swan-song on an energy subject.
Espero realmente que antes de que yo entone mi canto del cisne ante un Hemiciclo abarrotado, pueda señalar logros aún mayores del excelente personal de Europe Aid.
I very much hope that before I make my swan-song in this packed Hemicycle I will be able to point to even greater achievements by the excellent staff in Europe Aid.
Este es mi canto del cisne tras 15 años en el Parlamento Europeo y estoy encantada de que hayamos logrado una mejora tan relevante de los mercados de la energía en nombre del público europeo.
This is my swan song after 15 years in the European Parliament, and I am delighted that we have made such a significant improvement in the energy markets on behalf of the European public.