
"canonizado" in English

"canonizado" in English
sainted{adj.} (martyr)
¡Para este aniversario, a Roma no se le ha ocurrido nada mejor que canonizar al fundador del Opus Dei!".
For this anniversary, Rome did not find better than to canonize the founder of the Opus Dei!"
Su madre, entonces, recurrió a la intercesión de san Francisco de Asís, canonizado hacía poco.
His mother appealed then to the intercession of St. Francis of Assisi, canonized a short time earlier.
El mismo Papa Gregorio IX, que tras haberle escuchado predicar le había definido “Arca del Testamento”, lo canonizó en 1232, también a raíz de los milagros sucedidos por su intercesión.
Pope Gregory IX himself, after hearing him preach, described him as the “Arc of the Testament,” and canonized him in 1232, also as a result of the miracles that happened through his intercession.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "canonizar":
Context examples for "canonizado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Su madre, entonces, recurrió a la intercesión de san Francisco de Asís, canonizado hacía poco.
His mother appealed then to the intercession of St. Francis of Assisi, canonized a short time earlier.