
"between the parties" in Spanish

"between the parties" in English
interpartidista{adj.} (pugna, lucha, convivencia)

Similar translations for "between the parties" in Spanish
las- la- los- el
Context examples for "between the parties" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Last March he concluded that there was no ground for agreement between the parties.
En marzo pasado concluyó que no era posible que las partes llegaran a un acuerdo.
The differences between the parties, however, have probably never been so profound.
Pero, probablemente, nunca las diferencias entre las partes han sido tan profundas.
It is a fact that the desirable solution would be an agreement between the parties involved.
Es un hecho que la solución deseable sería un acuerdo entre las partes en cuestión.
A voluntary agreement is a private law contract between two parties.
En un acuerdo voluntario, dos partes acuerdan un contrato de derecho privado.
The situation is a sensitive one and the conflict between the parties has become polarised.
La situación es delicada y el conflicto entre las partes se ha polarizado.
They are to be held between the parties concerned and not publicly.
Las negociaciones deben desarrollarse entre las partes y no ante la opinión pública.
This is nothing other than a head-on collision between both parties.
La consecuencia no es otra que una colisión frontal entre las dos partes.
A call for dialogue between the parties is to our minds a weak response.
Una llamada al diálogo entre las partes es, a nuestro juicio, una respuesta demasiado débil.
The only possible settlement is a lasting and comprehensive peace settlement between the parties.
El único acuerdo posible es un acuerdo de paz duradero y exhaustivo entre las partes.
IGADD is trying to promote negotiations between the parties in conflict in south Sudan.
La IGADD trata de promover las negociaciones entre las partes en conflicto en el sur del Sudán.
The Agreement was the basis for the customs union between both parties.
Dicho Acuerdo era la base de la unión aduanera entre ambas partes.
An association, Mr President, can only exist between two parties.
Una asociación, señor Presidente, solo puede existir entre dos partidos.
Our focus is on measures to promote trust between the parties.
Nuestros esfuerzos se concentran en promover la confianza entre las partes.
The negotiations between the parties to the agreement will not be concluded until late in the year.
Las negociaciones entre las partes del acuerdo no se cerrarán antes de final de año.
A crucial difficulty is the basic lack of trust between the parties.
Una dificultad fundamental es la gran desconfianza entre las partes.
• striving for lasting peace agreements between the parties, and,
• tratar de alcanzar unos acuerdos de paz duradero entre las partes, y
which have prevented a peaceful dialogue between the parties and hindered
y políticos, que han impedido tanto un diálogo sereno entre
Debate in Poland is dominated by squabbles between two parties.
El debate en Polonia está dominado por las riñas entre dos partidos.
I hope that the EU can build a bridge between the parties.
Espero que la UE pueda construir un puente ente las partes interesadas.
It is about annexing a group of countries and not about real negotiations between equal parties.
Se trata de integrar a un grupo de países y no de verdaderas negociaciones entre partes iguales.