
"barraca" in English

Si estuvieran acuartelados en barracas, las cosas serían, sin duda, diferentes.
If they were quartered in barracks, things would no doubt be different.
Las barracas militares en las que presté servicio llevan el nombre de Wilberforce, adalid de la campaña contra la esclavitud.
The army barracks where I once served is named after Wilberforce, the anti-slavery campaigner.
Estas autoridades también tienen que asegurarse de que se acuartela a los soldados en barracas de inmediato.
These same authorities must also ensure that the soldiers are quartered in barracks immediately.
booth{noun} (at fair)
sideshow{noun} (at fair)
barrack hut{noun} [mil.]

Context examples for "barraca" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Eso es absolutamente legítimo, pero no podemos convertir esto en una especie de barraca de feria en la que hacemos un pim, pam, pum para ver cuántos candidatos a Comisario son derribados.
This is absolutely legitimate, but we must not turn this into a sort of fairground shooting-gallery where we blast away and see how many candidate Commissioners remain standing.