
"awash" in Spanish


Synonyms (English) for "awash":
Context examples for "awash" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Mr President, the debate about Turkey has always been awash with duplicity.
– Señor Presidente, el debate sobre Turquía siempre ha rebosado de duplicidad.
It is no longer merely western Austria that is awash with heavy goods vehicles.
Ya no es sólo la región occidental de Austria la que está inundada de vehículos pesados.
Unfortunately the world is awash with lost opportunities, with shipwrecked good ideas.
Lamentablemente, el mundo está lleno de oportunidades perdidas, con buenas ideas que naufragan.
Europe has been described as being awash with illegal CFCs.
Se ha dicho que Europa está inundada de CFC ilegales.
I repeat the point that, if we were awash with funds, our legal basis might not cause us so much grief.
Repito la idea de que, si hubiera exceso de fondos, nuestro fundamento jurídico no nos causaría tantos problemas.
Europe is awash with badly contaminated foods, and our bureaucratic apparatus clearly does not know what to do about it.
Europa está inundada de alimentos gravemente contaminados, y nuestro aparato burocrático no sabe de toda evidencia qué hacer al respecto.
We are awash with testimonies from human rights organisations concerning the situation of, in particular, civilians in Chechnya.
Abundan los testimonios de las organizaciones de derechos humanos, especialmente sobre la situación de la población civil chechena.
to be awash with sth
estar lleno de algo
to be awash with sth
rebosar algo
Europe is awash with counterfeit goods which are ever more hazardous to human health and represent large economic losses to companies.
Europa está llena de productos falsificados que entrañan grandes riesgos para la salud humana y representan enormes pérdidas económicas para las empresas.
Secondly, fundamentalism cannot be combated by means of fundamentalism under another guise; the history of humanity is awash with disasters of that type.
En segundo lugar, no deben combatirse unos fundamentalismos con otros de signo contrario; la historia de la humanidad está llena de fracasos de este tipo.