
"realism" in Spanish

"realism" in Spanish
This is the time for ambition combined with realism and responsibility.
Ha llegado la hora de demostrar ambición, combinada con realismo y responsabilidad.
I am pleading for professional realism as to how we evaluate these things.
Lo que les pido es realismo profesional para poder evaluar este tipo de asuntos.
We embarked on the budget procedure in a spirit of great realism.
Nos embarcamos en el procedimiento presupuestario con un gran realismo.
verismo{m} (realismo)

Synonyms (English) for "realism":
Context examples for "realism" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Wishful thinking is an obstacle to anything approaching sober realism.
Divagar impide disponer de un sentido medianamente moderado de la realidad.
We must respond to the migration question with both humanity and realism.
Me complace la idea de liberar la ayuda exterior comunitaria, y el propio Parlamento la ha apoyado.
The report exudes a spirit of realism which is most apposite, I think, in consumer policy.
El informe destila sentido de la realidad, que creo es necesario en la política de los consumidores.
In my opinion, by broadening our horizons, we retain a sense of realism.
Creo que una mirada al mundo nos devolverá a la realidad.
That brings a note of realism to the optimism expressed just now.
Esto da un tono realista al optimismo expresado hace un momento.
It was so devoid of realism that I did not even dare dream of it.
Se trataba de una situación tan alejada de la realidad que ni siquiera me atrevía a soñar con ella.
Liberals and Democrats share your realism, but we hope it comes with a ballast of ambition and vision.
Tiene usted que tomar decisiones acerca de cuestiones que definirán el futuro de nuestra Unión.
Economic realism is necessary in all the targets we set ourselves within the framework of employment policy.
Nosotros, los miembros del Grupo del PPE, no perseguiremos quimeras.
Secondly, we must do our utmost to ensure that the policy pursued here is based on realism and not on illusion.
Lo segundo es que tenemos que intentar todo para seguir una política realista y no ilusoria.
By means of this proposal, we have run up the flag of realism and signalled our opposition to overweening bureaucracy.
La señora Lynne tiene razón al decir que corremos el riesgo de desprestigiar a la UE.
There is a certain lack of realism here and I have great difficulty in making any sense of it.
Se da aquí una clase de irrealismo que me parece verdaderamente muy, muy extraño de comprender en el plano lógico.
There is growing realism that there is a problem.
Existe una creciente concienciación del problema.
Meanwhile, Commissioner Verheugen's chosen position bears witness to a sense of realism, at least in the near future.
Teniendo esto en cuenta,¿es posible cerrar firmemente la puerta a Kiev manteniendo el sentido del decoro?
Sound economics, realism and results are what citizens are demanding and what are needed to continue to build the European project.
No podemos continuar así, ya que se está socavando la credibilidad del marco general de la UEM.
I would also like to congratulate the Commission on a welcome note of realism in this year's annual economic report.
Quisiera felicitar a la Comisión también por el satisfactorio carácter realista del Informe Económico Anual de este año.
But the Council, of course, still has politicians with experience, realism and a sense of responsibility.
Pero en el Consejo de Ministros hay suficientes políticos con experiencia, sentido de la realidad y sentimiento de responsabilidad.
I firmly believe that if we all pull together and are guided by realism then the fisheries industry has a future.
Creo firmemente que si todos trabajamos conjuntamente y tenemos una visión realista, la pesca tendrá perspectivas de futuro.
The debate on the external competitiveness of the EU, or on the EU and the global economy, must be based on realism.
El debate sobre la competitividad externa de la UE, o sobre la UE y la economía global, tiene que tener una base realista.
The lack of realism within this report is emphasised by the appeal for a 15% increase in the number of science graduates in the EU between now and 2010.
Los niveles educativos de nuestro país figuran entre los más altos de la Unión Europea.
her work is characterized by its realism
su obra se particulariza por su realismo