
"asunto importante" in English

"asunto importante" in English

Similar translations for "asunto importante" in English
Context examples for "asunto importante" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El señor Zemke ha mencionado la gestión de las fronteras, un asunto muy importante.
Mr Zemke mentioned the matter of border management. This is a very important issue.
Secchi por su informe sobre este importante asunto.
Mr President, I congratulate Mr Secchi on his report on this important subject.
Por otro lado, es un asunto tan importante que no podemos pasarlo por alto.
On the other hand, this is such an important matter that we cannot neglect it.
Aparte de ostentar la Presidencia, es un asunto especialmente importante para Austria.
Apart from having the Presidency, it is a particularly important case for Austria.
Otro asunto importante es la capacidad de las mujeres de participar en la vida pública.
Another important matter is the ability of women to participate in public life.
También quisiera subrayar que estamos ante un importante asunto de seguridad jurídica.
I should also like to emphasise that this is an important legal rights issue.
Permítame abordar el asunto más importante, que es el de la« Europa social».
Let me turn to the most important issue, which is that of ‘ social Europe’.
Este asunto no es menos importante que los demás que se están debatiendo.
It is no less important an issue than all the other issues that we are discussing.
Sé que éste es un asunto importante, y más aquí en el Parlamento Europeo.
I know that this is an important matter not least here in the European Parliament.
(PL) Señor Presidente, la igualdad entre hombres y mujeres es un asunto importante.
(PL) Mr President, equality between women and men is an important subject.
Un asunto especialmente importante es el de los contaminantes orgánicos persistentes.
A particularly important case here is that of persistent organic pollutants.
En tercer lugar, quisiera mencionar un asunto sumamente importante: la proliferación.
Thirdly, I would like to raise an extremely important matter: proliferation.
Como ya he señalado, la Comisión y el Parlamento coinciden en este importante asunto.
As I have already said, the Commission and Parliament agree on this important issue.
Otro asunto importante del que habrá que ocuparse es la integración regional.
The need for regional integration is another important issue which should be discussed.
Permítame abordar el asunto más importante, que es el de la «Europa social».
Let me turn to the most important issue, which is that of ‘social Europe’.
Se trata de un asunto muy importante que beneficiará a nuestros ciudadanos.
We are dealing with a very important issue that will benefit our citizens.
Otro asunto importante que quisiera subrayar es el papel del sector financiero.
Another relevant issue that I would like to highlight is the role of the financial sector.
Espero con interés un debate fructífero sobre este asunto tan importante.
I am looking forward to a fruitful discussion on this very important issue.
La sustitución de una moneda es, sin embargo, un asunto increíblemente importante y serio.
Replacing a currency is, however, an incredibly important and serious matter.
. - Aquí se trata de Internet, que es un asunto muy importante.
Member of the Commission. - This is about the internet, which is a very important issue.