
"ashamedly" in Spanish

"ashamedly" in Spanish
ashamed{past participle}
avergonzado{adj. m}
Over and above myself, I feel ashamed for our institution.
Más allá de mi propia persona, me siento avergonzado de nuestra institución.
Meanwhile, President Mugabe does not seem to be in the least ashamed of this reign of terror.
Mientras tanto, el Presidente Mugabe no parece estar avergonzado lo más mínimo de este reino del terror.
I feel embarrassed for Mr Schulz because he has said things he must feel ashamed of.
Yo, del señor Schulz, me sentiría avergonzado, porque sus declaraciones son dignas de vergüenza.
apenado{adj.} [LAm.]
I feel totally ashamed of myself
estoy verdaderamente apenado
he told me how ashamed he was
me dijo lo apenado que estaba
ashamed{past participle}
Frankly, as a European, I am ashamed.
Francamente, me siento avergonzada de ser europea.
Madam President, Finland does not need to be ashamed of its security policy solutions.
Señora Presidenta, Finlandia no tiene que estar avergonzada de sus soluciones políticas en materia de seguridad.
May the EU be ashamed of its failure to act.
La UE debería estar avergonzada por su inacción.

Context examples for "ashamedly" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
he ashamedly recalled the words he'd spoken
recordó, apenado, lo que había dicho