
"area inspection" in Spanish

"area inspection" in English

Similar translations for "area inspection" in Spanish
Context examples for "area inspection" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We would draw attention, however, to the high costs of using new technology, which is important in this area and in improving inspection and vigilance measures.
Por lo tanto, insistimos en la necesidad de dicho estudio antes de que se tome ninguna decisión posterior.
We would draw attention, however, to the high costs of using new technology, which is important in this area and in improving inspection and vigilance measures.
Sin embargo, quisiéramos llamar la atención sobre los altos costes del uso de la nueva tecnología, que es importante en este ámbito y en la mejora de las medidas de inspección y vigilancia.