
"angustiosamente" in English

"angustiosamente" in English
angustiosa{adjective feminine}
angustiosa{adjective feminine}
agonising{adj.} [Brit.]
Muchos de los afectados por las heridas y sus familias afrontan una espera angustiosa mientras se averigua si han contraído una infección de transmisión hemática como el VIH o la hepatitis C.
Many of those who are injured, and their families, face an agonising wait to find out whether they have contracted a blood-borne infection such as HIV or hepatitis C.

Context examples for "angustiosamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
lloraba angustiosamente
he was crying inconsolably
Al parecer, van a aumentar angustiosamente los gastos de jubilación.
Clearly, the growing number of EU officials has implications for the budget, and above all an alarming increase in pension costs may be expected.