
"amerindia" in English

Amerind{noun} [idiom]
Amazonia es el hábitat de una variedad increíblemente rica de vida vegetal, especies terrestres y de varios centenares de culturas amerindias.
Amazonia is the home of an incredibly rich variety of plant life, terrestrial species and several hundred AmerIndian cultures.
Amazonia es el hábitat de una variedad increíblemente rica de vida vegetal, especies terrestres y de varios centenares de culturas amerindias.
Amazonia is the home of an incredibly rich variety of plant life, terrestrial species and several hundred AmerIndian cultures.
Amerind{adj.} [idiom]
Amerindian{adj.} [idiom]
Amazonia es el hábitat de una variedad increíblemente rica de vida vegetal, especies terrestres y de varios centenares de culturas amerindias.
Amazonia is the home of an incredibly rich variety of plant life, terrestrial species and several hundred AmerIndian cultures.

Context examples for "amerindia" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Santa Kateri, protectora de Canadá y primera santa amerindia, te confiamos la renovación de la fe en los pueblos originarios y en toda América del Norte.
Saint Kateri, Protectress of Canada and the first native American saint, we entrust to you the renewal of the faith in the first nations and in all of North America!
20.45 - Espectáculo de apertura, 1ª PARTE: Terres en veu (Tropa amerindia).
20h45 - Opening show, Part 1: Terres en vue (Aboriginal troupe) The Keepers of the Eastern Door, Traditional Iroquois song and dance by a Mohawh troupe from kahnawake.