
"al alba" in English

"al alba" in English
al alba{adverb}
at dawn{adv.}
Sería -me parece a mí- lo mínimo, al alba del tercer milenio.
This would be a minimum requirement, I believe, on the dawn of the third millennium.
Cuando la noche se cierne sobre Düsseldorf, nosotros en los Países Bajos todavía volamos al alba y al anochecer.
Whenever night begins in Düsseldorf, we in the Netherlands only fly at dawn and dusk.
al alba
at dawn

Similar translations for "al alba" in English
Context examples for "al alba" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Señor Presidente, quisiera felicitar al Sr. Dell'Alba por su informe.
Mr President, I should like to congratulate Mr Dell'Alba on his report.
Señor Presidente, he de sumarme al Sr. Dell'Alba y al Sr. Heaton-Harris y voy a ser enérgica.
Mr President, I have to follow Mr Dell'Alba and Mr Heaton-Harris and this will be tough.
Sería -me parece a mí- lo mínimo, al alba del tercer milenio.
This would be a minimum requirement, I believe, on the dawn of the third millennium.
Señor Presidente, felicito al Sr. Dell'Alba por su informe sobre la composición de las subcomisiones.
Mr President, I congratulate Mr Dell'Alba on his report on the membership of subcommittees.
Cuando la noche se cierne sobre Düsseldorf, nosotros en los Países Bajos todavía volamos al alba y al anochecer.
Whenever night begins in Düsseldorf, we in the Netherlands only fly at dawn and dusk.
Ford, quisiera felicitar al Sr. Dell'Alba por un informe excelente.
Mr President, like Mr Ford, I should like to congratulate Mr Dell'Alba on an excellent report.
Espero que ello no ocurra, pero nos mantendremos al alba.
I hope it will not come to that, but we are on the alert.
Espero que eso sirva para tranquilizar al Sr. Dell'Alba.
I hope that is of some reassurance to Mr Dell ' Alba.
Espero que eso sirva para tranquilizar al Sr. Dell'Alba.
I hope that is of some reassurance to Mr Dell' Alba.
Doy, por supuesto, la palabra al Sr. Dell'Alba.
I shall of course give the floor to Mr Dell ' Alba.
Doy, por supuesto, la palabra al Sr. Dell'Alba.
I shall of course give the floor to Mr Dell' Alba.
En ese caso, me dirijo al Sr. Dell'Alba.
I would therefore ask for the opinion of Mr Dell'Alba.
Y [a través de Nuestros emisarios] le revelamos este decreto: “Ciertamente, esos [pecadores] serán aniquilados por completo al alba.
And We made plain for him the decree that the uttermost one of these people should be cut off on the morrow.
Si concede el uso de la palabra al Sr. Dell'Alba después de cada votación individual, todavía estaremos aquí el miércoles de la semana próxima.
Because if you give Mr Dell'Alba the floor again after every single vote, we shall still be here next Wednesday.
Puedo informar al Sr.Dell’Alba de que el Consejo no ha recibido ni una propuesta ni una iniciativa legislativa sobre esta cuestión.
I can inform MrDell’Alba that the Council has received neither a proposal nor a legislative initiative on this matter.
Por consiguiente, voy a conceder una vez más el uso de la palabra al Sr.
I shall therefore now also give the floor to Mr Dell'Alba once again on a point of order. I know what that means.
Señor Presidente, siempre es un placer seguir al Sr. Dell'Alba, porque hace que un euroescéptico británico parezca sensato en esta Asamblea.
Mr President, it is always a pleasure following Mr Dell'Alba, because he makes a British Euro-sceptic sound very sensible in this place.
al apuntar el alba
at the break of day
al rayar el alba
at the crack of dawn
Y sólo un comentario al Sr. Dell' Alba con respecto al sueño de nuestros padres: Eche un vistazo a las memorias de Jean Monet.
I should also just like to draw Mr Dell' Alba' s attention to what the founding fathers of the European Union dreamed of. Take a look at Jean Monet' s memoirs.