
"a queso" in English

"a queso" in English
a queso{adjective}
a queso{adjective}
cheesy{adj.} (smell, taste)
calcetines con olor a queso
cheesy socks

Similar translations for "a queso" in English
Context examples for "a queso" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
No se aplicará a la mantequilla, al queso, ni al zumo de naranja, ni siquiera al alcohol.
It will not apply to butter or cheese or apple juice, or even alcohol.
También tenemos un número considerable de excepciones, de manera que se asemeja a un queso suizo.
We also have a considerable number of exemptions, so that it rather resembles a Swiss cheese.
¡vamos, híncale el diente a ese sandwich de queso!
to go on and wrap yourself around that cheese sandwich
Todo esto se ha dado en un contexto de referencias a la «Vieja Europa», o incluso a «monos comedores de queso».
All this has taken place against the background of references to 'Old Europe', or even cheese-eating monkeys.
Todo esto se ha dado en un contexto de referencias a la« Vieja Europa», o incluso a« monos comedores de queso».
All this has taken place against the background of references to 'Old Europe ', or even cheese-eating monkeys.
En lo tocante a la exportación de queso graso de Dinamarca al Irán, se pagaron 16 millones de más en restituciones a la exportación.
In connection with the export of feta cheese from Denmark to Iran, a total of ECU 16 m in export refunds was paid in error.
calcetines con olor a queso
cheesy socks
calcetines con olor a queso
smelly socks
tiene olor a queso
it smells of cheese