
"época colonial" in English

"época colonial" in English

Similar translations for "época colonial" in English
Context examples for "época colonial" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Durante dos siglos, la hemos explotado o destruido, en la época colonial.
For two centuries, in the colonial era, we exploited or destroyed it.
Resulta obvio que para algunas personas no ha terminado la época colonial, pero esperemos que todo ello quede en el pasado.
Obviously, for some people, the colonial era is not yet over, but let us hope that all of this is consigned to the past.
Debemos recordar que la rivalidad intertribal viene de la época colonial, cuando se favorecía a unos tribus respecto a otras.
We should remember that the inter-tribal rivalry stems from colonial times, when one tribe was favoured over the other.
Señor Tannock, la flagelación en Malasia no se introdujo por la ley islámica, sino que es un remanente de la época colonial británica.
Mr Tannock, caning in Malaysia was not introduced by Sharia law, but is a carryover from British colonial times.
Me gustaría dejar claro que ni yo ni mi familia somos en modo alguno culpables de connivencia con nada de lo que ocurrió en la época colonial.
I would like to make it clear that I and my family are in no way guilty of colluding with anything that took place in colonial days.
La paleta de la historia europea abarca desde las cruzadas cristianas hasta los crímenes de la época colonial.
European history ranges across the Christian Crusades to the crimes of the colonial era - not to mention the horrors of fascism.
en la época colonial
in colonial times
¿Van a volver a decidir las potencias europeas el destino de los africanos como lo hicieron en la época colonial, pero esta vez con el apoyo de las Naciones Unidas?
Will European powers once again be deciding the fate of African people as they did in colonial times, but this time with the support of the UN?
La guerra que se libra desde hace 27 años en Aceh demuestra que las consecuencias de la época colonial siguen haciéndose sentir todavía hoy.
The war which is still continuing and which has been going on for the past 27 years in Aceh shows that the consequences of the colonial era are still having an impact today.
Es evidente que África está explotando, dado que ya no aguanta su reparto artificial en Estados y pequeños Estados, resultado de la época colonial y poscolonial.
Clearly, Africa is falling apart, because its artificial division into states and statelets, the legacy of the colonial and post-colonial period, has become untenable.
En la época colonial, los países se responsabilizaban, en mayor o menor medida, de garantizar el mantenimiento del orden en sus colonias.
This was also what happened in Darfur, and yet the world does virtually nothing in response to events of this kind, although I am of course aware that these issues have been discussed in this House.
Italia acoge a inmigrantes de muchos países con los que ni comparte responsabilidades históricas que se remonten a la época colonial ni afinidades culturales, mientras ignora a Somalia.
Italy accommodates immigrants from many countries with which it shares neither historical responsibilities dating back to colonial times nor cultural affinities, while it ignores Somalia.