
"zona desnuclearizada" in English

"zona desnuclearizada" in English

Context examples for "zona desnuclearizada" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
¿No es hora de ver si podemos iniciar un debate sobre una zona desnuclearizada en el Oriente Próximo?
Is it not time to look at whether we can start a discussion about a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East?
zona desnuclearizada
nuclear-free zone
La propuesta de hacer de la zona mediterránea una zona desnuclearizada debe ser considerada durante la próxima Conferencia Euromediterránea.
The proposal that the Mediterranean should become a nuclear-free zone needs to be taken into account at the next Euro-Mediterranean conference.
Mediante de políticas económicas y sociales adecuadas debemos transformar el Mediterráneo en un mar de paz, en una zona completamente desnuclearizada.
By means of suitable economic and social policies we must transform the Mediterranean into a sea of peace - an area that is completely non-nuclear.
Proponemos asimismo la celebración de un debate sobre el desarme, la necesidad de la limitación de armamentos y el establecimiento de una zona desnuclearizada en la cuenca del Mediterráneo.
We also propose a discussion on disarmament, on the need for arms limitation, the need to establish a nuclear-free zone in the Mediterranean region.