
"voluntariamente" in English

"voluntariamente" in English
voluntaria{adjective feminine}
Por eso alentamos a la industria para que introduzca voluntariamente esta norma.
We are therefore encouraging industry to introduce this standard voluntarily.
Hemos dicho que este informe voluntariamente se ha circunscrito a estos aspectos.
We have said that this report voluntarily restricts itself to these aspects.
El camino señalado puede recorrerse voluntariamente, nada se impone.
The path indicated can be travelled voluntarily, nothing is being forced.
Están constantemente in situ colocándose voluntariamente como escudos humanos.
They have been a constant presence by willingly forming a human shield.
A veces estos vínculos se establecieron voluntariamente y otras veces involuntariamente.
Sometimes, those connections were made willingly and, at other times, unwillingly.
¿Existe algún refugiado que abandone voluntariamente su país?
Where are the refugees who willingly leave their homeland?
freely{adv.} (willingly)
Por primera vez, Estados nacionales ceden voluntariamente soberanía en la política monetaria, sin imposiciones y sin guerras.
For the first time nation states, acting freely and without coercion or the threat of war, have renounced their sovereignty over monetary policy.
Y dad a las mujeres su dote como un regalo; pero si, voluntariamente, renuncian a una parte en vuestro favor, disfrutadlo complacidos y con buen ánimo.
And give women their dowries freely; and if they of their own will remit any of it, then accept and enjoy it with good cheer.
La UE no ha escatimado esfuerzos a la hora de pedir al Gobierno iraní que respete esas obligaciones internacionales a las que se adhirieron libre y voluntariamente.
The EU has spared no opportunity to ask the Iranian Government to respect those international obligations which they freely and voluntarily adhered to.
Los residentes de Ashraf se encuentran ahí de forma voluntaria.
People in Ashraf are there on a volunteer basis.
El nivel de gestión voluntaria en los parques europeos varía dependiendo de los países y los parques.
The level of volunteer management in European park, varies depending on countries and parks.
En su día trabajé como voluntaria en Malawi durante unos meses y quedé horrorizada por el trato que reciben las mujeres.
I worked as a volunteer in Malawi for a few months and I was appalled at the treatment of women there.
voluntaria{adjective feminine}
Esta afirmación no es simplemente una declaración voluntaria, aunque la hago de forma voluntaria.
This is not simply a voluntary statement, although I make it quite voluntarily.
Los intentos de acordar una normativa voluntaria fracasaron estrepitosamente.
Attempts to agree on voluntary regulation were a miserable failure.
Actualmente, 18 Estados miembros recopilan estos datos de forma voluntaria.
These data are currently collected on a voluntary basis by 18 Member States.

Context examples for "voluntariamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
conyugal, hecho voluntariamente infecundo, y por esto intrínsecamente
that a conjugal act which is deliberately made infecund and so is intrinsically
El ponente ha eludido este aspecto de las cosas voluntariamente, lo sé, pero lo lamento.
I know the rapporteur intentionally avoided this aspect of things and I regret that.
No se trata de un producto que pueda comprarse o dejarse de comprar voluntariamente.
It is not a product that you are free to choose whether or not to buy.
Hammami, Madouri y Taamallah eligieron presentarse voluntariamente a los tribunales.
Mr Hammami, Mr Madouri and Mr Taamallah decided of their own accord to come forward and stand trial.
En 2004 cometió un grave delito al provocar voluntariamente un incendio.
In 2004 he committed the serious crime of wilful fire-raising.
Ahora bien, no vamos a encontrar a ningún ordenante que admita voluntariamente su culpa.
Well, you are not going to find anyone who places an order who will spontaneously admit their guilt.
Esto es lógico, puesto que se han presentado voluntariamente.
Because they themselves have given themselves up, that is only right.
Hammami, Madouri y Taamallah eligieron presentarse voluntariamente a los tribunales.
Mr Hammami, Mr Madouri and Mr Taamallah decided of their own accord to come forward and stand trial.
Hace tres años, dos generales condenados fueron a La Haya voluntariamente.
Croatia is cooperating well with The Hague, to which, last year, the Croatian Government even opened its archives.
Señor Presidente, en la aprobación del Acta dice que yo dije que se habían tergiversado mis palabras voluntariamente.
Mr President, in the approval of the Minutes it says that I said I had been deliberated misquoted.
Ello conduce a situaciones inhumanas y no lleva a ningún lado si el implicado no lo acepta voluntariamente.
This leads to inhumane situations and is not very effective if not taken on board out of one's own free will.
Ello conduce a situaciones inhumanas y no lleva a ningún lado si el implicado no lo acepta voluntariamente.
This leads to inhumane situations and is not very effective if not taken on board out of one' s own free will.
Dense cuenta de que nosotros podemos repatriar voluntariamente, pero no creo en esa libertad.
You need to realise that we need to be able to repatriate people of their own free will, but I do not believe in this free will.
Me ha sorprendido bastante que el Presidente en ejercicio haya mencionado voluntariamente las cuatro libertades de mercado una vez más.
A further consequence is that the potential for cooperation cannot be fully exploited.
He de decir que me extraña mucho que la Comisión no haya incluido voluntariamente nada sobre descentralización.
I must say how surprised I am that the Commission has not contributed any input of its own on decentralisation.
Quisiera pedir de antemano a la Comisión y al Consejo que se autoimpongan voluntariamente mayores limitaciones.
I would ask the Commission and the Council at this stage to adopt more stringent restrictions of their own volition.
¿Tiene prevista el Consejo alguna fórmula de compensación o indemnización de los perjuicios, tan injusta como voluntariamente producidos?
Does it plan to make any arrangements to compensate for the unfair and deliberate damage caused?
En fin, lo hemos elegido voluntariamente.
However, we have all made a free choice.
Ni los pueblos de Polonia, Hungría, la República Checa y Eslovaquia se dotaron voluntariamente de regímenes comunistas.
Neither did the peoples of Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia ever choose communist regimes for themselves.
Me ha sorprendido bastante que el Presidente en ejercicio haya mencionado voluntariamente las cuatro libertades de mercado una vez más.
I was rather surprised that the President-in-Office mentioned unprompted the four market freedoms yet again.