
"vocacional" in English

"vocacional" in English
En todo caso, la cultura vocacional, en cuanto conjunto de valores, debe
In any case the vocational culture, insofar as it is a complex of values,
De aquí podrá emerger una cultura vocacional y un modelo de hombre abierto a la llamada.
From this a vocational culture and a model of man open to the call can emerge.
humano, misterio que es también camino de discernimiento vocacional y que
every human being, to that mystery which is also the path of vocational

Context examples for "vocacional" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
con resolver la crisis vocacional vagando de un lado a otro, porque el Señor
today no-one should delude himself about resolving the vocations crisis by going
eficaz la animación vocacional, y que la crisis vocacional va unida, ante
effective vocations promotion, and that the so-called vocations crisis is above
Cirilo y Metodio, encargado de la animación vocacional de la Conferencia Sud-Eslávica.
Cyril and Methodius, in-charge of vocations promotion in the South-Slavic Conference.
e impulso la conciencia de su ministerialidad, el sentido vocacional de su
encouragement for their sense of the ministry, their vocation in life, and
a una situación de crisis e indigencia vocacional, hoy ya no se puede
of crisis or shortage of vocations, today it can no longer see itself in the
a la conclusión inmediatamente de la necesidad de una pastoral vocacional
consequence of this there is the necessity for a continuing, zealous and
al servicio de la promoción vocacional, desde la animación a la
programme at the service of vocations promotion, from first contact to formation
situación europea sobre la problemática vocacional fuertemente
European situation, regarding the problem of vocations, which is strongly marked
— si en sus comienzos la pastoral vocacional trataba de circunscribir
— if at its beginnings vocations promotion sought to limit its field of
doctrinal fundamental, consiguiente discernimiento vocacional y preparación,
vision, discernment of vocation, as well as the life, ministry,
preciso prestar una atención especial a la pastoral vocacional y a
careful attention should to be paid to the pastoral care of vocations and
vocacional sólo quien está animado por la convicción de que
today true vocations promotion can be carried out only by those who are convinced
La pastoral vocacional vive, quizá, todavía en una situación
Vocations promotion continues perhaps to live in a situation of inferiority,
cultura vocacional,(17) capaz de traspasar los confines de la comunidad
capable of going beyond the confines of the believing community.
— si en un tiempo la promoción vocacional se orientaba exclusiva
— if at one time vocations promotion referred only or mainly to certain
— en consecuencia, el mismo animador vocacional debería llegar a
— in consequence, the same vocations promoter must become more and more
a una educación vocacional que se inspire en la seguridad de un método
inspired by a tested method of accompaniment, to be able to give
indicar que la pastoral vocacional en Europa ha llegado a una articulación
Europe has reached a critical point, a decisive moment.
pastoral vocacional(20) o, quizá, de la pastoral en general.
work for vocations(20) or, perhaps, of pastoral work in general.
día con lo que debe medirse la pastoral vocacional.
measured against everyday realities, precisely because it is pastoral in