
"vena yugular" in English

"vena yugular" in English
vena yugular{feminine}
Si, en verdad, Nosotros hemos creado al hombre y sabemos lo que su mente le susurra: pues estamos más cerca de él que su vena yugular.
And certainly We created man, and We know what his soul suggests to him, and We are nearer to him than his life-vein (Jugular and Carotid).
No deja de ser cierto que las condiciones de la matanza con una pistola especial provoca que las partículas cerebrales o linfáticas pasen a la vena yugular y de allí a la masa muscular.
It is nevertheless still the case that slaughter by means of a special pistol causes particles of the brain or lymphoid tissue to enter the jugular vein and from there they can reach the muscle mass.
No deja de ser cierto que las condiciones de la matanza con una pistola especial provoca que las partículas cerebrales o linfáticas pasen a la vena yugular y de allí a la masa muscular.
It is nevertheless still the case that slaughter by means of a special pistol causes particles of the brain or lymphoid tissue to enter the jugular vein and from there they can reach the muscle mass.

Similar translations for "vena yugular" in English
Context examples for "vena yugular" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
luego le habríamos cortado en verdad su vena yugular,
Then We would certainly have severed his life-artery.