
"urban centre" in Spanish

"urban centre" in Spanish

Context examples for "urban centre" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Recently, there has been a growing tendency towards the multi-centre urban development model.
Actualmente, parece que el modelo de desarrollo urbano más privilegiado es el policéntrico.
urban centre
centro urbano
Thus cities are witnessing a unique period of growth that leads to a number of questions: Where will the urban centre be in the future?
Las ciudades, por tanto, son testigos de un extraordinario periodo de crecimiento que conduce a un número de preguntas: ¿Dónde se ubicará el centro urbano en el futuro?
On this island, as on the other Greek islands, illness was and is a much bigger problem than it is in Athens or in any other large European urban centre.
En esta isla, como en el resto de las islas de Grecia, una enfermedad era un problema mucho mayor de lo que era en Atenas o en otro gran centro urbano europeo.
The issue has been raised in a communication on city policy, which is to be presented at the Europaforum Wien Centre for Urban Dialogue in Vienna at the end of November.
Se ha abordado este asunto en la comunicación relativa a la política urbana que se presentará en el marco del Foro de ciudades europeas que se reunirá en Viena a finales de 1998.