
"unnumbered" in Spanish

"unnumbered" in Spanish

Context examples for "unnumbered" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Start, change to, or clear an unnumbered (bulleted) list
Comenzar, borrar o cambiar a una lista de viñetas
Bullet (Unnumbered) List
Lista de viñetas (Sin número)
It is disgraceful that Council officials in the Secretariat are refusing to make Room documents and unnumbered documents publicly available.
Es vergonzoso que los funcionarios de la Secretaría del Consejo se nieguen a publicar documentos de Sala y documentos no numerados.
An unnumbered paragraph.
Un párrafo sin número.
If you want to interrupt the numbering of several consecutive paragraphs by inserting an unnumbered paragraph, delete the number before the paragraph with the Delete key.
Si desea interrumpir una numeración continua a lo largo de varios párrafos, por un párrafo sin numeración, elimine el número del párrafo con la tecla retroceso.
Unlike the rapporteur, I believe that an enumerative, unnumbered and above all truncated report, a report in other words that annoys no one, cannot be a good report.
Contrariamente al ponente, considero yo que un informe enumerativo, no cifrado y además truncado, es decir, un informe que a nadie molesta, no puede ser un buen informe.