
"two months" in Spanish

"two months" in Spanish
bimestre{m} (período de dos meses)

Similar translations for "two months" in Spanish
Context examples for "two months" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
That enables immediate compatibility if there is no agreement within two months.
Este permite la compatibilidad inmediata si en dos meses no se produce ese acuerdo.
Two months ago, we had another debate on combined transport here in the Chamber.
Hace dos meses, debatimos también en esta Sala la cuestión del transporte combinado.
Wait two weeks, three weeks, two months, until they come with proposals?
¿Esperar dos semanas, tres semanas, dos meses, hasta que lleguen con propuestas?
We have barely two months and one week to begin negotiations with Washington.
Tenemos apenas dos meses y una semana para comenzar las negociaciones con Washington.
That was why it was necessary to recall all the meat produced in those two months.
Por eso era necesario retirar toda la carne producida en esos dos meses.
Over the next two months, Mr Barroso will have to form his Commission.
Durante los próximos dos meses, el señor Barroso tendrá que formar su Comisión.
Market reaction has been immediate in these first two months of 2005.
En estos dos primeros meses de 2005, la respuesta del mercado ha sido inmediata.
In less than two months, the Union will welcome ten new Member States.
En menos de dos meses, la Unión dará la bienvenida a diez nuevos Estados miembros.
If no action is taken, we have two months in which to appeal to the Court of Justice.
Si no se adopta medida alguna, tenemos dos meses para recurrir al Tribunal de Justicia.
Mr President, two months remain of your mandate in this Parliament.
Señor Presidente, le quedan dos meses para acabar su mandato en este Parlamento.
One snag is the fact that there are moves to postpone the deadline by two months.
La nota discordante es el hecho de que se abogue por un aplazamiento de la fecha de dos meses.
In two months’ time, the EU will be gaining ten new Member States.
. En dos meses la Unión Europea acogerá a diez nuevos Estados miembros.
Two months later, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared an influenza pandemic.
Dos meses después, la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) declaró una pandemia de gripe.
I deplore the fact that in almost two months, Parliament still has not considered doing so.
Lamento que en casi dos meses el Parlamento no haya pensado aún en hacerlo.
Here, I would like to narrate a story to you that I witnessed about two and a half months ago.
Quisiera contarles aquí una historia de la que fui testigo hace dos meses y medio.
That figure was increased two months ago, as it initially stood at EUR 40 millions.
Esa cifra se incrementó hace dos meses, puesto que originalmente era de 40 millones de euros.
Two months ago I had to have an operation for a serious complaint.
Hace dos meses tuve que ser intervenida quirúrgicamente de una dolencia seria.
He spent two months in prison for this, in appalling conditions.
A causa de ello, permaneció dos meses en la cárcel, en condiciones lamentables.
– Mr President, two months have passed since the tsunami tragedy.
– Señor Presidente, han pasado dos meses desde la tragedia del tsunami.
National currencies were withdrawn from circulation two months later.
Dos meses después, se retiraban de la circulación las monedas nacionales.