
"trout" in Spanish

"trout" in Spanish
trout with cured ham
trucha con jamón
Wild salmon, trout and eels have been found to carry the virus which now seems to be endemic even in the wider marine environment.
Se ha determinado que los salmones, truchas y las anguilas salvajes son portadores del virus que ahora parece que es endémico en el más extenso entorno marino.
In terms of volume, mussels, rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon are the most important EU aquaculture species followed by oysters, sea bream, common carp, clam and sea bass.
En volumen, las principales especies de la acuicultura en la UE son el mejillón, la trucha arco iris y el salmón, seguidos por la ostra, la dorada, la carpa, la almeja y la lubina.
trout(also: bag, baggage)
bruja{f} [coll.]

Context examples for "trout" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Outside of the office he enjoys playing mediocre golf, snowboarding awkwardly, and spending time with a dog named Trout.
Fuera del trabajo, le gusta jugar al golf con mediocridad, hacer snowboard con desmaña y pasar tiempo con su perro Trout.
he watched the trout leaping in the river
miraba saltar las truchas en el río
trout in wine sauce
truchas a la marinera
trout with cured ham
trucha con jamón