
"Tribunal de Justicia Europeo" in English

"Tribunal de Justicia Europeo" in English
Deseo tranquilizarla sobre las conclusiones del Tribunal de Justicia Europeo.
I should like to reassure her about the findings of the European Court of Justice.
Este enfoque ha sido confirmado por el Tribunal de Justicia Europeo en el asunto Sinaga.
This approach was confirmed by the European Court of Justice in the Sinaga case.
Su segunda pregunta, la jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Justicia Europeo.
Concerning your second question about the case law of the European Court of Justice.

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De hecho, el Tribunal de Justicia Europeo nos ha impreso impulso para legislar.
Indeed, we have had encouragement from the European Court of Justice to legislate.
Deseo tranquilizarla sobre las conclusiones del Tribunal de Justicia Europeo.
I should like to reassure her about the findings of the European Court of Justice.
Usted acaba de referirse a las sentencias recientes del Tribunal de Justicia Europeo.
You have just referred to the recent judgments of the European Court of Justice.
Los hechos están ahí, tal como los describe el Tribunal de Justicia Europeo.
We have the realities before us, as described by the European Court of Justice.
El Tribunal de Justicia Europeo (TJE) nos ha puesto aquí en una posición muy difícil.
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has put us in a very difficult position here.
¿Cree que esta suspensión superará el examen del Tribunal de Justicia Europeo?
Do you believe that this will stand up to scrutiny by the European Court of Justice?
Este enfoque ha sido confirmado por el Tribunal de Justicia Europeo en el asunto Sinaga.
This approach was confirmed by the European Court of Justice in the Sinaga case.
Tenemos pocas dudas sobre el dictamen que emitiría el Tribunal de Justicia Europeo.
We have little doubt about what an opinion would be from the European Court of Justice.
¿Podrá ser aceptado realmente este resultado por el Tribunal de Justicia europeo?
Is this outcome actually acceptable for the European Court of Justice?
Su segunda pregunta, la jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Justicia Europeo.
Concerning your second question about the case law of the European Court of Justice.
Tenemos pocas dudas sobre el dictamen que emitiría el Tribunal de Justicia Europeo.
If the United States does not want to do that, then we simply do not give them those data.
El Tribunal de Justicia Europeo no se conforma con ser un tribunal.
The supranational European Court of Justice is not satisfied with being a court.
¡La Comisión de Presupuestos ha dejado en la estacada al Tribunal de Justicia Europeo!
The Committee on Budgets has let down the European Court of Justice, as has the Council!
Si no nos gustan las sentencias del Tribunal de Justicia Europeo, cambiamos la legislación.
If we do not like the decisions of the European Court of Justice, we change the law.
En claro, el Tribunal de Justicia Europeo no podrá aplicar la Carta.
In plain language, the European Court of Justice cannot enforce the Charter.
En primer lugar, el Tribunal de Justicia Europeo ha de aprobar una posición y dictar sentencia.
The European Court of Justice must first adopt a position and give a judgment.
El Tribunal de Justicia Europeo ha reiterado con frecuencia que no se está haciendo cumplir.
The European Court of Justice has frequently reiterated that it is not being enforced.
Señor Presidente, creo que debería usted llevar el asunto ante el Tribunal de Justicia Europeo.
Mr President, I think you should refer the matter to the European Court of Justice.
El Tribunal de Justicia europeo reconoció esta posibilidad bajo determinadas condiciones.
This possibility was recognised by the European Court of Justice under certain conditions.
El Tribunal de Justicia Europeo decide de conformidad con los Tratados.
The European Court of Justice rules in accordance with the Treaties.