
"treasurer" in Spanish

"treasurer" in Spanish
there are five nominees up for treasurer
hay cinco candidatos a tesorero
to stand for treasurer
presentarse como candidato para el cargo de tesorero
Besides having no experience of the required tasks, she has a highly dubious past as National Treasurer of CND.
Además de no tener experiencia en las tareas necesarias, tiene un muy cuestionable pasado como tesorera nacional de la CDN.
Besides having no experience of the required tasks, she has a highly dubious past as National Treasurer of CND.
Además de no tener experiencia en las tareas necesarias, tiene un muy cuestionable pasado como tesorera nacional de la CDN.
she was re-elected as treasurer
fue reelegida como tesorera
we voted her treasurer
la elegimos tesorera por votación
first necessary not to forget past experiences but to treasure them.
prometidos por Dios, es preciso ante todo no olvidar, sino atesorar la
We want to promote mutual understanding between young people and the multicultural diversity that we in Europe treasure.
Queremos promover una comprensión mutua entre jóvenes y la diversidad multicultural que atesoramos en Europa.
To have peace, which sums up all the good things promised by God, it is first necessary not to forget past experiences but to treasure them.
Para tener la paz, que es la síntesis de todos los bienes prometidos por Dios, es preciso ante todo no olvidar, sino atesorar la experiencia pasada.

Synonyms (English) for "treasurer":
Context examples for "treasurer" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The Inauguration Act had two parts to it: 1) a presentation by the OFM Treasurer General, Br.
El Acto tuvo dos partes: En la primera, tuvo lugar la presentación de la Casa y de las obras, por parte del Ecónomo General.
Aaron Tirado, the treasurer.
Aarón Tirado.
Treasurer: Br.
Ecónomo: Fr.