
"torres" in English

"torres" in Spanish
torres{feminine plural}
Estos nos recuerdan a menudo torres de Babel porque llevan a la anarquía y producen accidentes.
These often resemble Towers of Babel, leading to anarchy and accidents.
Ya es hora de que los que vivimos en nuestras torres de marfil empecemos a darnos cuenta de ello.
It is therefore high time that we, in our ivory towers, started to realise this.
las torres se alzan majestuosas sobre el perfil de la ciudad
the towers rise majestically above the skyline of the city
torre(also: torreta)
buque de torre
turret deck vessel
En respuesta a eso quiero decir que no estamos trabajando en una torre de marfil.
In reply to this I would say that we are not working in an ivory tower.
Está la torre de control, están todos los equipos electrónicos.
The control tower is there, and all the electronic equipment.
El 13 de enero de 1991, quince personas murieron por defender la torre de televisión de Vilna.
On 13 January 1991, fifteen people died defending the television tower in Vilnius.
rook{noun} (in chess)
En esta situación, el rey avanza dos espacios hacia un lado, mientras la torre se mueve al espacio que se ha saltado el rey.
In a castle, the king moves two spaces sideways, while the rook moves to the space the king skipped over.
tower block{noun} [Brit.] (of flats)
Ocho oficiales armadas, entre los cuales había seis agentes de servicios especiales, entraron a la fuerza en un piso sito en una torre de apartamentos.
Eight armed officials, including six special services agents, forced their way into one of the flats in a tower block.
tower block{noun} [Brit.] (of offices)
Ocho oficiales armadas, entre los cuales había seis agentes de servicios especiales, entraron a la fuerza en un piso sito en una torre de apartamentos.
Eight armed officials, including six special services agents, forced their way into one of the flats in a tower block.
castle{noun} (chess)
En esta situación, el rey avanza dos espacios hacia un lado, mientras la torre se mueve al espacio que se ha saltado el rey.
In a castle, the king moves two spaces sideways, while the rook moves to the space the king skipped over.
apartment block{noun} [idiom]
Originalmente, sin embargo, había tres pares de estatuas colosales, dos a cada lado de cada puerta monumental, o torre del templo funerario del Faraón Amenhotep III.
Originally, however, there were three pairs of colossal statues, two on either side of each monumental gateway, or pylon, of Pharaoh Amenhotep III's mortuary temple.
torre(also: chalet)

Synonyms (Spanish) for "torrar":
Synonyms (English) for "torr":
Context examples for "torres" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Torres Couto como ponente.
I give the floor to Mr Vecchi who is deputizing for Mr Torres Couto as rapporteur.
Torres Marques.
Madam President, I have little to add to what Mrs Torres Marques has said.
Torres Marques por su útil informe.
I would particularly like to thank Mrs Torres Marques on her useful report.
Torres Marques.
Of course, I agree completely with the report and conclusions by Mrs Torres Marques.
Señor Presidente, el Grupo de los Liberales está satisfecho con el informe Torres Marques.
Mr President, the Liberal Group is quite happy with the Torres Marques report.
Torres Marquez.
- (FR) I welcome the report by Mrs Torres Marques with great satisfaction.
Torres Couto pero no nos honra con su presencia.
Mr Torres Couto is now due to speak but he has not graced us with his presence.
Torres Marques es un buen informe.
I will end by saying that Mrs Torres Marques' s report is a good one.
Elena Torres Miranda, Presidenta del Parlamento de Navarra, está al frente de la delegación.
The delegation is headed by the Parliament's President, Elena Torres Miranda.
Torres Couto, como ponente, por tiempo de 5 minutos.
Mr Torres Couto, the rapporteur, now has the floor for five minutes.
Torres la presentación de este excelente informe.
Mr President, I am grateful to Madam Torres for bringing forward this extremely good report.
Torres Marques le diría que mi obligación es no estar inquieto.
Mr President, I would say to Mrs Torres Marques that my obligation is not to be anxious.
Torres Marques.
My good friend Mrs Torres Marques has stressed this effectively.
Torres Marques- es una decisión consecuencia de un reglamento comunitario.
The broad economic guidelines are the model we duly agreed for inclusion in the Treaty of Maastricht.
Torres Marques por su excelente informe.
I want to congratulate Mrs Torres Marques on her excellent report.
Presidente, estoy totalmente de acuerdo con los informes Roubatis, Barros Moura y Torres Couto.
Mr President, I fully endorse the reports by Mr Roubatis, Mr Barros Moura and Mr Torres Couto.
Torres Marques.
Finally, I should like to turn to Mrs Torres Marques' earlier amendment.
Torres Marques impulsan este desarrollo.
The Commission' s proposal and Mrs Torres Marques' excellent report promote this trend.
El excelente informe de Helena Torres Marques se refiere a la revisión de la directiva de 1986.
The excellent report drafted by Helena Torres Marques refers to revision of the 1986 Directive.
He votado a favor del informe Torres Marques y felicito al ponente por su excelente trabajo.
I voted for Mrs Torres Marques ' report and I congratulate her on her excellent work as rapporteur.