
"toothed" in Spanish

"toothed" in Spanish
choclero{m} [Chile] [coll.]
piño{m} [Spa.] [slg.] (diente)
he had the tooth taken out with no anesthetic
le sacaron la muela a palo seco
I had the tooth out under anesthetic
me anestesiaron para quitarme la muela
this tooth's giving me hell
esta muela me está haciendo ver las estrellas
diente{m} [anat.]
The death penalty follows an old fashioned principle: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
La pena de muerte sigue un principio obsoleto: ojo por ojo y diente por diente.
In most circumstances the tooth should be replanted as quickly as possible.
En la mayoría de los casos, el diente debe recolocarse lo más rápido posible.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth – after which, as Gandhi said, everybody ends up blind.
Ojo por ojo y diente por diente, tras lo cual, como dijo Gandhi, todos acaban ciegos.

Synonyms (English) for "toothed":
Context examples for "toothed" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The Danish Presidency should also go through the 85 000 pages of EU laws with a fine-toothed comb.
La Presidencia danesa también debe peinar las 85.000 páginas de leyes comunitarias.
Indeed, many of us who are more long-toothed did so last month in this very House.
En realidad, muchos de nosotros, que somos más veteranos, lo hicimos el mes pasado en esta misma Cámara.
they went through the place with a fine-toothed comb
rastrearon milimétricamente el lugar