
"to sanctify" in Spanish

"to sanctify" in Spanish
to sanctify{transitive verb}
to sanctify{transitive verb}
1:14), and in which the Holy Spirit was poured out to sanctify men and women and
derramado el Espíritu para santificar a los hijos y constituirlos como
Mk 1:15), and to preside over, teach and sanctify the People of God.
Mc 1,15), y de presidir, enseñar y santificar al Pueblo de Dios (5).
In fighting terrorism, the objective is not to sanctify any means.
En la lucha contra el terrorismo, el objetivo no es santificar los medios.

Context examples for "to sanctify" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The need to combat terrorism does not sanctify any means.
La necesidad de luchar contra el terrorismo no justifica el uso de cualquier medio.