
"to reorientate" in Spanish

to reorientate{transitive verb}
It is urgent that we re-orientate direct aid in order to promote sustainable agriculture.
Debemos reorientar con urgencia las ayudas directas, con el objeto de fomentar la agricultura sostenible.
What matters is not to reorientate, or rather, disorientate farmers by covering up and whitewashing hostile policies.
El problema no es reorientar, desorientar, a los agricultores disimulando o suavizando políticas hostiles.
In 1999, the Commission took steps to re-orientate its cooperation with Zimbabwe in favour of social sector actions - health, education and AIDS, democracy and support to civil society.
En 1999, la Comisión adoptó medidas para reorientar su cooperación con Zimbabwe en favor de acciones de índole social: sanidad, educación y SIDA, democracia y apoyo a la sociedad civil.
to reorientate{intransitive verb}
It is therefore high time to help the many people who have lost their bearings to reorientate themselves.
Por tanto, ya va siendo hora de ayudar a muchas personas desorientadas a reorientarse.
to reorient{transitive verb}
The jobs related to this business can easily be reoriented.
No resultará difícil reorientar los empleos relacionados con estas actividades.
Our priority must be to reorient international trade in order to equip it with a genuine economic and social justice dimension.
Reorientar el comercio internacional para darle una verdadera dimensión de justicia social y económica debe ser nuestra prioridad.
We will produce a regular summary of this initiative so that public opinion can be measured and we can adjust or reorient the work.
Haremos una síntesis periódica al respecto a fin de que se calibre bien el estado de la opinión y se pueda ajustar o reorientar.
to reorient{intransitive verb}
Without its being increased, the next financial perspective should be reoriented towards urban transport.
Si no se aumentan, la próxima perspectiva financiera debería reorientarse hacia el transporte urbano.
My group will plead for something like PIMs for countries which, at the present time in the European Union, need to reorient themselves because they will be under special pressure.
Mi grupo abogará por algo parecido a los PIM para países que, en el momento que atraviesa la Unión Europea, necesitan reorientarse porque estarán sometidos a una especial presión.

Context examples for "to reorientate" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I therefore tabled ten amendments to reorientate it.
Por ello presenté diez enmiendas para reorientarlo.
In this Parliament we need to reorientate the debate to concentrate on public health, to recognize that there are still mysteries surrounding this disease.
En este Parlamento necesitamos dar una nueva orientación al debate para que éste se centre en la salud pública, para que se reconozca que aún existen incógnitas en torno a esta enfermedad.