
"to relive" in Spanish

"to relive" in Spanish
to relive{transitive verb}
to relive[relived · relived] {transitive verb}
This is the atmosphere we wish to relive, imploring the gifts of
queremos revivir, implorando los dones del Espíritu Santo para cada
I believe that none of us would wish to relive the Chernobyl disaster of 26 April 1986.
Creo que ninguno de nosotros querría revivir el desastre de Chernóbil del 26 de abril de 1986.
The Church never ceases to relive his death on the Cross and
La Iglesia no cesa jamás de revivir su muerte en

Context examples for "to relive" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Otherwise the fear is that you will re-live the difficulties of your predecessor.
Si no, es de temer que vuelva a encontrarse usted con las dificultades de su predecesor.
personal purification, to relive this same spiritual journey, by becoming more
compromiso de purificación personal, este mismo itinerario espiritual,
We need to remember the horrors of history if we do not want to relive them.
Debemos recordar los horrores de la Historia si no queremos revivirlos.
the cathedrals of the diocesan Churches, in order to re-live the institution
las catedrales de las Iglesias diocesanas, para reavivar la institución
After two thousand years, we re-live this mystery as a unique and unrepeatable event.
Después de dos mil años vivimos de nuevo este misterio como un acontecimiento único e irrepetible.
GENERAL AUDIENCE - HOLY WEEK Wednesday, 26 March 1997 We relive saving events of Redemption 1.