
"to extirpate" in Spanish

"to extirpate" in Spanish

Context examples for "to extirpate" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
To achieve this, Moldova must, for example, improve its capacity for administration, extirpate corruption and foster a climate for investment.
Para conseguir esto, Moldova debe mejorar, por ejemplo, su capacidad de administración, eliminar la corrupción y fomentar un clima de inversión.
Even in the Second World War, when mutually opposed ideologies fought to extirpate each other, diplomats were peaceably evacuated through neutral countries.
Incluso en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, cuando ideologías opuestas entre sí luchaban para eliminarse mutuamente, se evacuaba a los diplomáticos pacíficamente a través de países neutrales.