
"cherry pick" in Spanish


Similar translations for "cherry pick" in Spanish
Context examples for "cherry pick" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We do not have the institutional right to cherry-pick amongst the College of Commissioners.
No tenemos el derecho institucional de escoger entre el Colegio de Comisarios.
But we should not cherry-pick from the single market, nor continue to get it wrong.
Pero no debemos seleccionar entre los aspectos del mercado único ni seguir actuando de forma equivocada.
I am concerned, however, lest there be a desire to cherry-pick the compromise negotiated with the Council.
Sin embargo, me preocupa que exista un deseo de desechar las partes que no gustan del compromiso negociado con el Consejo.
We need to look at the European Union as an entity and not just cherry-pick and provide support for certain areas only.
Tenemos que ver la Unión Europea como una entidad y no escoger a gusto y ofrecer respaldo solo a ciertos ámbitos.
We do not believe that we should cherry-pick.
No creemos que debamos ser selectivos.
You cannot cherry-pick when it comes to human rights, and it is not by breaching human rights that the conflict will be de-escalated.
Los derechos humanos son indivisibles y su menosprecio no contribuye a la reducción gradual del conflicto.
Service providers cannot be allowed to cherry-pick without adverse consequences for peripheral regions and economies.
No se puede consentir a los proveedores de servicios que escojan a su antojo, pues eso perjudica gravemente a las regiones y economías periféricas.
Services will be reduced as potential competitors cherry-pick only the profitable areas of business, meaning less development in the sector.
Los servicios se reducirán, pues los competidores solo eligen las facetas rentables del negocio, lo que se traduciría en un menor desarrollo del sector.
A few large private groups will cherry-pick and divide up amongst themselves those profitable sectors of post office activity which the European Union is still preparing to offer them.
Algunos grandes grupos privados se repartirán los sectores jugosos de la actividad postal que la Unión Europea se dispone a ofrecerles.
The EU's strategy is clearly to 'cherry-pick' the best of the migrants and refugees and keep the rest at bay, using Frontex, among other things.
La estrategia de la UE es claramente la de escoger a los mejores inmigrantes y refugiados y mantener a los demás fuera de su territorio, utilizando entre otras cosas a Frontex.