
"to become democratic" in Spanish

"to become democratic" in English
The EU must become democratic before it can be enlarged.
La Unión Europea debe democratizarse antes de ampliarse.

Similar translations for "to become democratic" in Spanish
Context examples for "to become democratic" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I think we all hoped that these elections would become democratic elections.
Creo que todos teníamos la esperanza de que estas elecciones fuesen democráticas.
It will therefore not enable them to become more democratic and comprehensible.
Por lo tanto, no permitirá que resulten más democráticas y comprensibles.
It has now become more democratic, even if the Kurds and Turks continue to be oppressed.
Ahora se ha vuelto más democrática, aunque kurdos y turcos sigan viviendo oprimidos.
Madam President, air transport has become considerably more democratic.
Señora Presidenta, el transporte aéreo se ha democratizado considerablemente.
Secondly, the workings of international institutions must become more democratic.
En segundo lugar, el funcionamiento de las instituciones internacionales tiene que ser más democrático.
That is why Turkey must become a full-scale democratic country.
Por ello, Turquía debe convertirse en un país plenamente democrático.
European Parliament elections should become more democratic.
Las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo deben ser más democráticas.
This cannot be accepted, particularly in a young country that aims to become a democratic state.
No podemos aceptar esto, sobre todo en un país joven que busca convertirse en un Estado democrático.
The EU has become neither more democratic nor more capable of action nor ready for enlargement.
La UE no es ni más democrática, ni tiene una mayor capacidad de actuación ni está apta para la ampliación.
This is the only way that the EU will successfully move closer to its citizens and become more democratic.
Es la única forma de que la UE se acerque con éxito a sus ciudadanos y se haga más democrática.
Not until that happens will western civilisation become a contemporary democratic civilisation.
La civilización occidental solo llegará a ser una civilización democrática contemporánea cuando esto suceda.
As you have just said, the IMF must become more democratic.
Usted acaba de decir que el FMI debe ser más democrático.
The EU must become democratic before it can be enlarged.
La Unión Europea debe democratizarse antes de ampliarse.
The European Union must support Kosovo in its endeavours to become a European democratic state.
La Unión Europea debe prestar su apoyo a Kosovo en sus esfuerzos por convertirse en un estado democrático europeo.
But the European Union will not become more democratic if the European Parliament receives more funding.
No obstante, eso no quiere decir que la Unión Europea se democratice si el Parlamento obtiene más dinero.
In short, it has three objectives: the Union must become more democratic, more effective and clearer.
En pocas palabras, los objetivos son tres: la Unión ha de ser más democrática, más eficaz y más transparente.
The abolition of visas would serve as a guarantee for Russian civil society that the country will become more democratic.
Si lo no hace, la opinión que tendrá de nosotros nuestro electorado estará lejos de ser halagadora.
We can and must certainly use every political means of persuading Turkey to become more democratic.
Podemos y sin duda debemos agotar todas las posibilidades en el plano político para forzar la democratización de Turquía.
Both approaches are necessary if we are to help Russia become a flourishing, democratic constitutional state.
Ambas vías son necesarias para fomentar la evolución de Rusia hacia un incipiente Estado democrático de Derecho.
It is absolutely essential that the Maoists now become part of the democratic process and renounce violence.
Es absolutamente esencial que los maoístas se incorporen ahora al proceso democrático y renuncien a la violencia.