
"to be on the back burner" in Spanish

"to be on the back burner" in English
to be on the back burner
poner en segundo plano
to put on the back burner
poner en segundo plano

Similar translations for "to be on the back burner" in Spanish
Context examples for "to be on the back burner" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
This has been on the back burner for a long while, and there is a reason for that.
Esta cuestión lleva mucho tiempo aparcada y existe un motivo que lo justifica.
Measures to implement the new strategy have been put on the back burner.
Las medidas para aplicar la nueva estrategia han pasado a un segundo plano.
If enlargement is put on the back burner, such gains could be lost.
Si se aplaza la ampliación hacia Europa se pueden perder todas esas ganancias.
As Wim Kok has said, the dreams of catching up with the USA have been put on the back burner.
Como ha dicho Wim Kok, hemos dejado aparcado el sueño de atrapar a los Estados Unidos.
We certainly should not put them on the back burner because of the enlargement of the European Union.
Indudablemente no deberíamos postergarlos por culpa de la ampliación de la Unión Europea.
Solemn declarations are made about environmental objectives, which are then pushed onto the back burner.
Se proclaman solemnemente objetivos ambientales y a continuación se da largas al asunto.
This question was broached but then put on the back burner.
Es un tema que se llegó a plantear pero después quedó olvidado.
The economic aspect of EMU has been put on the back-burner.
El apartado económico de la UEM ha pasado a un segundo plano.
Solemn declarations are made about environmental objectives, which are then pushed onto the back burner.
No se desarrollan suficientes alternativas adecuadas en la circulación de personas y mercancías.
Institutional reform has been put on the back burner, and there is no sign yet of agricultural reform.
La reforma institucional ha sido aplazada sine die.
Biodiversity has become a concept that has been put on the back burner, and it is now our task to try to keep it on the agenda.
Para resolver la cuestión de la conservación es necesario proteger todo el ecosistema.
Better still, it is no longer sacrilegious to ask the question: should the whole project not be put on the back burner?
Mejor aún, ya no es un sacrilegio formular la pregunta:¿no hay que volver a ponerla en el telar?
The Rules of Procedure do not shed any more light on the matter and that is exactly why this back burner is extremely useful.
En el Reglamento la posición tampoco queda muy clara y por eso esa reserva es muy positiva.
Better still, it is no longer sacrilegious to ask the question: should the whole project not be put on the back burner?
Mejor aún, ya no es un sacrilegio formular la pregunta: ¿no hay que volver a ponerla en el telar?
This legislation is still in force in some countries although its implementation has perhaps been put on a back burner.
Si bien su aplicación se ha vuelto poco común, dicha legislación sigue vigente en algunos países.
However, they should not serve as a pretext for putting the Monterrey commitments on the back-burner or downgrading them.
Pero no deben servir como pretexto para aparcar los compromisos de Monterrey o rebajar sus objetivos.
These issues must not to be put on the back burner.
Estas cuestiones no deben dejarse aparcadas.
they put the idea on the back burner
dejaron la idea en suspenso por el momento
Otherwise it is very likely that the inclusion of environment policy in the WTO will be put on the back burner.
De lo contrario, aumentará el riesgo de que la integración de la política ambiental en el marco de la OMC se vea excluida a largo plazo.
they put the idea on the back burner
aparcaron la idea por el momento