
"to achieve goals" in Spanish

"to achieve goals" in English

Similar translations for "to achieve goals" in Spanish
Context examples for "to achieve goals" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
What appropriate, effective measures can be taken to achieve these goals?
¿Qué medidas apropiadas y efectivas pueden adoptarse para lograr estos objetivos?
We cannot leave it just to the ALTENER programme to achieve these goals.
No podemos asignar la tarea de lograr estos objetivos solo al programa ALTENER.
Appropriate funding must be guaranteed if we are to achieve these ambitious goals.
Por último, recordaré la posibilidad de prestar ayuda financiera a los espacios marinos.
To achieve these goals, we need to deepen the South-South relationship.
Para alcanzar estos objetivos es necesario intensificar las relaciones Sur-Sur.
It seems that there are not enough incentives to achieve the goals set.
Parece que no existen suficientes estímulos para alcanzar los objetivos marcados.
. - To achieve the 2020 goals, a European approach is needed.
por escrito. - Para alcanzar los objetivos de 2020 necesitamos un enfoque europeo.
Its aim is to achieve concrete political goals, and what are those goals?
Su propósito es lograr objetivos políticos concretos, ¿y cuáles son estos objetivos?
I feel this is the path which will lead us to achieve the Lisbon goals.
Creo que este el camino que debería llevar a alcanzar los objetivos de Lisboa.
We stand ready, President Barroso, to work with you to achieve those goals.
Incluimos la sostenibilidad social y medioambiental en la competitividad.
It is important to include all actors in society to achieve the set goals.
Es importante incluir a todos los actores sociales para poder alcanzar unos objetivos.
They told us, however, that in order to be able to achieve their goals, they need our help.
Pero nos dijeron que para poder conseguir sus objetivos, necesitan nuestra ayuda.
The Lisbon mid-term review gives us the chance to achieve these goals.
El examen intermedio de Lisboa nos brinda la oportunidad de conseguir estas metas.
We stand ready, President Barroso, to work with you to achieve those goals.
Estamos listos, Presidente Barroso, para trabajar con usted y conseguir esos objetivos.
I hope that we can count on the European Parliament's support to achieve these goals.
Espero que podamos contar con el apoyo del Parlamento Europeo para alcanzar esas metas.
How did we achieve these goals in the proposals we are about to discuss?
¿Cómo hemos logrado estos objetivos en las propuestas que estamos a punto de debatir?
All our strategies and debates will be worthless unless they achieve certain goals.
Todas nuestras estrategias y debates serán inútiles a menos que alcancen ciertos objetivos.
Just as in 1968, it has not hesitated to send in tanks to achieve its political goals.
Igual que en 1968, no ha dudado en enviar tanques para alcanzar sus objetivos políticos.
Europe 2020 must be an instrument to enable us to achieve our goals.
Europa 2020 debe ser un instrumento que nos permita lograr nuestros objetivos.
All of this calls for a renewed push to achieve the goals by the deadline of 2015.
Todo esto exige un renovado esfuerzo para alcanzar los objetivos en la fecha límite de 2015.
To do this, we must give the Union the practical tools to achieve those goals.
Para ello, debemos dotar a la Unión de herramientas prácticas para alcanzar estos objetivos.