
"tendencioso" in English

"tendencioso" in English
tendencioso{adjective masculine}
tendencioso{adjective masculine}
Investigación con células madre habría sido un título menos tendencioso.
Stem cell research would be a less tendentious title.
Es tendencioso y desinformado.
It is tendentious and ill-informed.
Habían contratado chicas uniformadas profesionales para la promoción, que distribuían puñados de propaganda tendenciosa.
They had professional uniformed promotion girls distributing handfuls of tendentious propaganda.
biased{adj.} (report, account, criticism)
Incluso el título de la Resolución resulta engañoso y tendencioso.
Even the title of the resolution is misleading and biased.
El informe objeto de debate induce a error y es tendencioso y engañoso.
The report we are debating is misleading, biased and deceptive.
El forme es muy discutible, tendencioso y, nos guste o no, no nos ayudará a avanzar.
The report is much debated, it is biased and, whether we like it or not, it will not help us move forward.
biassed{adj.} (report, account, criticism)
loaded{adj.} (weighted)
Si ésta es la corte, el jurado es tendencioso.
If this is the court, the jury is a loaded one.
one-sided{adj.} (unfair)
Lo que el Consejo considera importante, a nosotros nos parece insuficiente y tendencioso.
What the Council finds important, we deem inadequate and one-sided.
(NL) Este informe es tendencioso.
(NL) This report is one-sided.
Lo que usted dice es completamente tendencioso y, como ha manifestado, indica que lo que usted desea es el avance de la liberalización.
What you said was completely one-sided, and, as you said, it indicates that you want to let liberalisation advance.
slanted{adj.} (biased)
La información deberá ser no obstante objetiva y no apoyarse en informes tendenciosos o en datos manipulados por la industria.
But information must be objective and not based on pamphlets or suitably slanted data from the industry.
unbalanced{adj.} (not in equilibrium)
Sin embargo, quisiera decir que el texto propuesto es tendencioso y lamento que se haya precipitado la votación de esta resolución.
However, I would like to say that the proposed text is unbalanced and I regret that the vote on this resolution has been rushed.
(LV) Señorías, por intentar formar una opinión universal, el informe ha acabado resultando tendencioso y poco equilibrado.
(LV) Ladies and gentlemen, in attempting to fashion a universal viewpoint, the report has ended up being one-sided and unbalanced.
Oostlander sobre el fundamentalismo a causa de su falta de equilibrio y su carácter tendencioso.
We voted against Mr Oostlander's resolution on fundamentalism because of its unbalanced and tendentious nature.

Context examples for "tendencioso" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Lo que el Consejo considera importante, a nosotros nos parece insuficiente y tendencioso.
What the Council finds important, we deem inadequate and one-sided.
El informe objeto de debate induce a error y es tendencioso y engañoso.
The report we are debating is misleading, biased and deceptive.
El forme es muy discutible, tendencioso y, nos guste o no, no nos ayudará a avanzar.
The report is much debated, it is biased and, whether we like it or not, it will not help us move forward.
Incluso el título de la Resolución resulta engañoso y tendencioso.
Even the title of the resolution is misleading and biased.
El informe objeto de debate induce a error y es tendencioso y engañoso.
The thick tomes of several hundred pages are incomprehensible to the average citizen of an EU Member State.
Si ésta es la corte, el jurado es tendencioso.
If this is the court, the jury is a loaded one.
En mi opinión, el informe del señor Fava es tendencioso y basado primordialmente en dudas, conjeturas y pruebas circunstanciales.
In my view MrFava’s report was biased, and based primarily on doubt, conjecture and circumstantial evidence.
En mi opinión, el informe del señor Fava es tendencioso y basado primordialmente en dudas, conjeturas y pruebas circunstanciales.
In my view Mr Fava’ s report was biased, and based primarily on doubt, conjecture and circumstantial evidence.
Lo que usted dice es completamente tendencioso y, como ha manifestado, indica que lo que usted desea es el avance de la liberalización.
What you said was completely one-sided, and, as you said, it indicates that you want to let liberalisation advance.
(LV) Señorías, por intentar formar una opinión universal, el informe ha acabado resultando tendencioso y poco equilibrado.
(LV) Ladies and gentlemen, in attempting to fashion a universal viewpoint, the report has ended up being one-sided and unbalanced.
El Congreso de los EE.UU. acusó al informe Goldstone de ser irremediablemente tendencioso y de no merecer mayor consideración o legitimidad.
The US Congress called the Goldstone report irremediably biased and unworthy of further consideration or legitimacy.
(NL) Este informe es tendencioso.
(NL) This report is one-sided.
Sin embargo, quisiera decir que el texto propuesto es tendencioso y lamento que se haya precipitado la votación de esta resolución.
However, I would like to say that the proposed text is unbalanced and I regret that the vote on this resolution has been rushed.
En consecuencia, me parece que el informe de la señora Ž danoka hace hincapié en los aspectos equivocados y, por lo tanto, es tendencioso.
As a result, it seems to me that Mrs Zdanoka’ s report puts the emphasis on the wrong aspects, and therefore is misdirected and biased.
formar un jurado tendencioso
to pack a jury
Lo que usted dice es completamente tendencioso y, como ha manifestado, indica que lo que usted desea es el avance de la liberalización.
I beg you, if the same jobs are done by people who already have other things to do, that reduces jobs rather than encouraging the creation of additional ones.
Esas enmiendas no mejoran el informe sino que son un frío intento de añadir el sentimiento tendencioso, distorsionado y racista de los firmantes en cuestión.
Those amendments do not improve the report; rather they are a crude attempt to add the biased, distorted and racist sentiment of the signatories concerned.
Los numerosos conciudadanos musulmanes respetuosos con la ley de mi circunscripción se ofenderían -y con razón-, si se permitiera que se aprobara sin oposición semejante informe tendencioso.
My many law-abiding Muslim fellow citizens in my own constituency would be rightfully upset if such a one-sided report were allowed to pass by without opposition.