Tú vs. Usted
Learn how and when to use Tú and Usted to address someone. Find out what is the difference between Tú and Usted. Tú vs usted comparison
How to express quantity in Spanish?
A list of common words used to talk about quantity in Spanish. How to say some, much, many, a ton of, etc in Spanish. Spanish quantity words
How to take a taxi in Spanish?
Learn how to take a taxi in Spanish. Common words, phrases, and expressions used to catch a taxi and tell where you want to go
Por qué vs Para qué
What are the differences between por qué and para qué? Por qué vs Para qué comparison, meaning, examples, and guide on how to use in Spanish
Bueno vs Bien
Learn how to differentiate bueno from bien in Spanish. What is the difference between bien and bueno. How to use them correctly in Spanish?
How to order food in Spanish?
Learn how to order food in Spanish. Common words, phrases, and expressions used to order food or drink in Spanish. It's easy!
How to say "You're beautiful" in Spanish?
Learn how to say "You're beautiful" in Spanish. How to tell a man or a woman that she or he is beautiful. Common Spanish phrases and expressions
How to use "Lo" in Spanish?
What does "lo" mean in Spanish? Learn how to use "lo" in different contexts. "Lo" is one of the Spanish words that has different meanings.
Beber vs Tomar
Both "tomar" and "beber" mean "to drink" in Spanish. So what's the difference? Check out to know how and when to use "tomar" and "beber".
Here, there, and over there in Spanish
Lean how to say here, there, and over there in Spanish. How to talk about locations? Find out how to use aquí, allí, ahí, allá, acá, allí in Spanish!