
Happy birthday in Spanish and Spanish birthday wishes

21 Jul, 2020 Popular Articles, Common Spanish Phrases
Happy birthday in Spanish and Spanish birthday wishes2 votes. 5 / 5

In this article, we will show you common ways to say Happy birthday in Spanish and a list of birthday wishes in Spanish that you can use to send best wishes to someone on their birthday.

How to say Happy birthday in Spanish?

1. Happy birthday = ¡Feliz cumpleaños 

This is the most basic way to say “Happy birthday” in Spanish

pronounce as fay-lees koom-play-ahn-yohs

2. ¡Felicidades! 

This is a congratulatory sentiment often used on birthdays. Felicidades is translated most closely as "congratulations" or "all the best." You may think it’s odd to use this word on birthday. However, it’s an acceptable greeting to use in most Spanish-speaking countries.

pronounce it as fay-lees-ee-dah-days

3. ¡Felicidades en tu día! 

This congratulatory sentiment is a little more birthday-specific than “¡Felicidades”. It literally means Congratulations on your day.

Note: you should say ¡Felicidades en su día when talking to someone who you’re not familiar with. It’s a more formal way.

pronounce it as fay-lees-ee-dah-days ehn too dee-ah

4. ¡Felicidades en el aniversario del día en que tu has nacido!

pronounce it as fay-lees-ee-dah-days ehn ehl ah-nee-vers-ahr-ee-oh dehl dee-ah ehn kay too ahs nah-cee-doh

This expression is less common than other congratulatory sentiments. However, it is the most birthday-specific one you can use.

It literally means “Congratulations on the anniversary of the day on which you were born.”

5. ¡Que tengas un feliz día! 

This is a common sentiment used to wish someone happiness on his/her birthday.

It means “that you have a happy day.”

Pronounce it as kay tehn-gahs oon fay-lees dee-ah

You may want to see: Spanish greetings and farewells

Spanish birthday wishes

Que Dios te bendiga en tu cumpleaños. Te enviamos nuestro amor.

May God bless you on your birthday. We all send our love.

¡No hay nadie como tú! Deseo que todos tus sueños se conviertan/hagan realidad.

There is no one like you! I wish that all your dreams come true.

¡Los mejores deseos para tu cumpleaños! Que pases un buen dia!

Best wishes for your birthday! Have a nice day!

Felicitaciones en tu cumpleaños. Te deseo la mejor de las suertes y mucho éxito

Congratulations on your birthday. I wish you the best of luck and every success.

¡Feliz cumpleaños! En un dia tan especial como este, te deseo que tengas suerte, felicidad, y que se cumplan todos tus deseos.

Happy Birthday! In a day so special like this, I wish you good luck, lot of happiness, all your wishes come true.

Esperamos que pases un día muy feliz en compañía de amigos y familiares.

We hope you have a great day with all your friends and family.

Te deseo lo major!

I wish you all the best

Que tengas salud y felicidad

May you always have health and be happy

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