
"tactless" in Spanish


Synonyms (English) for "tactless":
Context examples for "tactless" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I believe that that would be unreasonable and politically tactless.
Pienso que sería poco serio y políticamente torpe.
he was so tactless as to ask her how much she earned
cometió la indiscreción de preguntarle cuánto ganaba
We wronged these people by dismissing them in such a tactless fashion, and they deserved compensation for this.
Hemos sido injustos con estas personas al despedirlas de una forma tan poco diplomática, y merecen ser indemnizadas por ello.
it was unforgivably tactless
fue una falta de delicadeza imperdonable
a completely tactless person
una persona totalmente falta de tacto
she is so tactless
que poco tino tiene
how tactless!
¡qué falta de tacto!
To be honest, I think that it is extremely tactless, even provocative, for the Commission to open the debate on concentration within the airline industry at this point in time.
He encontrado francamente muy torpe, cuando no provocador por parte de la Comisión, abrir el debate sobre la concentración en el sector aéreo en estos momentos.