
"tabla rasa" in English

"tabla rasa" in English

Context examples for "tabla rasa" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
He hecho tabla rasa de dos asistentes técnicos, señor Martens; ése es el verdadero drama que tenemos en la Comisión.
I have made things absolutely clear about the two technical assistants, Mr Martens; this is the real problem we have at the Commission.
Entonces sí hay una tabla rasa, una disposición que termina con la desafortunada práctica de deducir anticipos de los cánones de los artistas.
Then there is the clean slate, a provision that ends the unfortunate practice of deducting advances from featured artists' royalties.
No parte de una tabla rasa porque los Estados miembros actuales mantienen ya relaciones con sus vecinos, sobre todo con los fronterizos.
It is not starting from square one as the current Members already have relations with their neighbours, particularly those with which they share borders.
Soy de la opinión de que con este informe se hace tabla rasa de las diferencias existentes entre los Estados miembros y de la falta de competencias de la UE en materia de política social.
My point is that this report overlooks the differences that exist between EU countries, in addition to overlooking the EU's inexperience in the area of social policy.