
"superestructura" in English

"superestructura" in English
Falta una superestructura política que rija los destinos de la política económica.
What is missing, of course, is a political superstructure for steering economic policy.
En segundo lugar, se trataba de diferenciar los conceptos de infraestructura y superestructura.
Secondly, we had to draw a dividing line between infrastructure and superstructure.
Cualquier modelo en que un sistema forzado de empleo o superestructura estatal crea empleo artificialmente está condenado al fracaso.
Any model where a forced system of state employment or superstructure artificially creates employment is doomed to failure.

Context examples for "superestructura" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Falta una superestructura política que rija los destinos de la política económica.
What is missing, of course, is a political superstructure for steering economic policy.
En segundo lugar, se trataba de diferenciar los conceptos de infraestructura y superestructura.
Secondly, we had to draw a dividing line between infrastructure and superstructure.
Cualquier modelo en que un sistema forzado de empleo o superestructura estatal crea empleo artificialmente está condenado al fracaso.
Any model where a forced system of state employment or superstructure artificially creates employment is doomed to failure.
El orden jurídico no es en sentido alguno un lujo o una superestructura idealista, sino el fundamento para la restauración de la sociedad y también para la economía.
The rule of law is not some kind of luxury or idealistic goal, but the very basis on which society and the economy are to be reconstructed.
Deberían meditar detenidamente sobre los efectos en sus propios electorados que observan con creciente distanciamiento la distante y torpe superestructura europea.
They should think carefully about the effects on their own electorates who are watching with increasing disenchantment the distant and cumbersome European superstructure.
Pero para establecer una igualdad en la competencia el Parlamento ha pedido que no financiemos el ámbito de la superestructura, sino que como máximo se fomente la infraestructura.
But in order to guarantee a level playing field Parliament requested that we should not be promoting superstructure investments but, at most, investment in infrastructure.
Hay, ciertamente, disposiciones relativas a aspectos como la fortaleza de la superestructura, pero lo preocupante - y le pido al Sr.
There are provisions, certainly, for things like strength of superstructure but the worrying thing here - and I ask the Commissioner to address this - is that this is not all.
En segundo lugar: la pequeña financiación que sólo tenemos para redes transeuropeas debe concentrarse, naturalmente, en la infraestructura de los puertos y no en la superestructura de los mismos.
Furthermore, the small amount of support that we give to trans-European networks must in that case, of course, also be directed to port infrastructure and not just towards port superstructure.